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Installation Help (Backup Exec v11d)

Level 3
While trying to install backup exec version 11d, I received a message stating that the install was interrupted. Below is what the bkupinst log file stated. Can anyone help me out? I am installing on a windows 200 server.
***Failed. went into writelog, but did not send to log server
 Executing CLUS_InitData***Failed. went into writelog, but did not send to log server
 InitData failed to open the cluster wrapper***Failed. went into writelog, but did not send to log server
 m_bUseNativeClient = 0

Level 5
Employee Accredited
Are you running a new install or upgrade for Backup Exec 11D?  During the installation is SQL Express 2005 getting install .  Make sure you running the install at the server console.  Go into regedt32 hkey_local_machine \software \ classes  then select security - permissions  ensure  the user below have the correct permissions.
Users: Read
Power Users: Special
Administrators: Full Control
SYSTEM: Full Control

Level 3
Hi harmstrong,
Thank you for the reply
It is a new install, fresh.  I am installing right at the machine it will be used as well as where the tape drive is installed. I believe SQL was installed at setup, but how can I verify this and what version? Also, I cannot find Security - permissions in the registry. I got as far as classes and then could not find security or permissions after that.

Level 5
Employee Accredited
Check under add remove programs for Microsoft SQl Server 2005 .  Also , go into the windows services look for SQL Server (BKUPEXEC).  On the registry expand hkey_local_machine then software then highlight classes  on the top of the window select security then permissions.

Level 3
It's not in add/remove programs. Here is the error log I got when trying to install one more time.
07-17-2007,14:03:43 : There is no MSSQL$BKUPEXEC Service
07-17-2007,14:03:43 : Unable to connect to a SQL Server R900VPNAS\BKUPEXEC on machine R900VPNAS.

07-17-2007,14:03:43 : CDlgChooseTapeDrivers Pass Function.
07-17-2007,14:03:43 : After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
07-17-2007,14:03:43 : After Check for INSTALL_CHOICE.
07-17-2007,14:03:43 : After Check for INSTALL_TYPE.
07-17-2007,14:03:43 : CDlgSerialNumber Pass Function.
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : CDlgTSMConfig Pass Function.
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : CDlgCAS Pass Function.
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : After Check for INSTALL_MODE.
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : CDlgClone Pass Function.
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : CDlgClone not passed.
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : CDlgRemoteChooseCustom Pass Function.
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : After Check for INSTALL_CHOICE.
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : Install Summary XML File:
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : C:\DOCUME~1\vpadmin\LOCALS~1\Temp\EAB0C0F9-B57B-4865-91A3-DE3B34B1FB02\InstallReview.xml
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : Install Summary XSL File:
07-17-2007,14:03:45 : E:\WINNT\INSTALL\BE\Bin\InstallSummary.xsl
07-17-2007,14:03:46 : Install Summary HTML File:
07-17-2007,14:03:46 : C:\DOCUME~1\vpadmin\LOCALS~1\Temp\EAB0C0F9-B57B-4865-91A3-DE3B34B1FB02\InstallReview.htm
07-17-2007,14:03:46 : Entering GetSQLAndCASOInformation
07-17-2007,14:03:46 : Leaving GetSQLAndCASOInformation
07-17-2007,14:03:46 : MDAC 2.80.1022.0 is installed on this system.
07-17-2007,14:03:46 : m_bUseNativeClient = 1
07-17-2007,14:04:06 : Executing BE_InstallMDAC.
07-17-2007,14:04:06 : MDAC 2.80.1022.0 is installed on this system.
07-17-2007,14:04:11 : Installing .Net Framework 2.0.
07-17-2007,14:04:11 : Checking for .Net Framework 2.0.
07-17-2007,14:04:11 : .NET Framework was detected. Skipping install.
07-17-2007,14:04:12 : Installing Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2005
07-17-2007,14:04:12 : m_bUseNativeClient = 1
07-17-2007,14:04:12 : Installing SQL Express 2005 BKUPEXEC instance.
07-17-2007,14:04:12 : "E:\WINNT\INSTALL\SQLExpress\SQLEXPR.exe" /wait /qn /norestart /lv "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Summary.txt" INSTANCENAME=BKUPEXEC INSTALLSQLDIR="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\" INSTALLSQLDATADIR="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\" INSTALLSQLSHAREDIR="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\" ADDLOCAL=SQL_Engine,SQL_Data_Files,SQL_Replication,Client_Components,Connectivity SAPWD=**** DISABLENETWORKPROTOCOLS=0
07-17-2007,14:09:54 : V-225-53: ERROR: Failed to install SQL Express BKUPEXEC instance with error 1053. ***To search for information about this error, click here
07-17-2007,14:09:54 : Please review C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Summary.txt for more details.
07-17-2007,14:09:54 : Failed to install third party products.



Level 3
FYI, Also, I do not see instance error 1053 in any help files.

Level 5
Employee Accredited
Try to install SQL Express 2005 by itself .   Go into Winnt\Install\SQl Express\  run the SQLEXPR.EXE.
Install name instance BKUPEXEC.   Also check the SQL error log for more details.

Level 3
I got it. Thanks for your help.