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Installation goes non responsive

Level 4
greetings all.  Just purchased BE 10.1d and am installing it on a 2003 server that also runs MS SQL 2000 server.
It's been quite a while since I've gotten my hands wet with Backup Exec,  used to run a bunch of Netware servers way back in the day. 
Anyways,  I am in the middle of this installation and it asks for a userid and password for the service user.  I entered a new id for the machine, not the domain,  and eventually the install program just went non-responsive and I had to kill it.   I checked my user accounts and see that it did indeed create the user and also place him in the Administrative group,  so I tried to install again.   Same results.   It hangs in the same place. 
So I get on the horn with Symantec tech support.    Low and behold,  I found out that indeed our civilization is crumbling from the foundations.   The great company of Symantec/Veritas refuses to offer any kind of telephone support unless one pays through the nose for such exhalted service.  Not even a 30 day free support,  not even 1 free question support.  Nothing, nada.  
Is this what the greedy world is coming too?   Is it not enough that my company just blew a wad of dough on a tape backup application only to find that it is the drop in the bucket for future revenues to this evil corporation?
Anyways,  it was nice to get that off my chest.   If any Symantec employees are monitoring this board,  please feel free to print this message, wipe your arse with it and deliver it to your CEO with my regards.   :)
Anyways,  the installation is hanging, and I don't know why.   I've searched recent posts here and find nothing for hanging at this point in the installation. 
I am logged in as a user with Admin rights to the server.

Level 6
I think there should be an installation log file at <WinDir>\bkupinst.log
Have a look at that and it should have any errors listed.

Level 4
Thanks for the suggestion.
I looked at the log and both instances of my trying to install have the same messages at the end:
Validating Local Options Data
Validating Service Account Data
And that's it.   Shortly, the installation goes nonresponsive. 
Any ideas?