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Intelligent Disaster Recvery Preparation Error - Netlogon.chg

Level 2
I have recently installed a Veritas Backup 10.0 on a new Dell Poweredge 2800 Server running SBS 2003.

The only problem I have is when I run the Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard I get the following error:

"Error opening c:\windows\netlogon.chg. The process cannot access the file because it is in use by another process."

I have read numerous threads exactly the same relating to this problem on this Forum Website but NO answers.

As per the suggested solutions on these other threads I have recreated the Netlogon.chg file;en-us;271998

- but still get the same error:

"Error opening c:\windows\netlogon.chg. The process cannot access the file because it is in use by another process."

Is there a problem with Veritas 10.0 / IDR Wizard or is there a solution to this problem?

From this website forum it would appear that it is not just me who is having this problem.


Level 6

As per the links you have checked that descibe procedure to recreate the netlogon.chg file, did you also reboot the server after having recreated the file?
If not, retry the process as per steps in the following technote:

Title: When attempting to create an Intelligent Disaster Recovery Option (IDR) Bootable Image, the error "Error opening "C:\Windows\Netlogon.chg". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" is displayed.

The above solution has also resolved the problem in several cases. Hope it works for you too. If it doesn't still, revert to the forums.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 2
I have followed the above instructions but this time when running the Intelligent Disaster Recovery Preparation Wizard I now get the following error:

Error Opening "c:\windows\windowsupdate.log"
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.



Level 6
Hello John,

Please refer to the following steps in order to troubleshoot the problem further.
During the CD creation portion of IDR, additional files outside of the Windows 2000/2003/XP media may be copied into the ISO file if the location of Windows 2000/2003/XP media is located on a hard drive or remote network location, and additional files are in the same folder.
Also, during the CD creation, the error "Error opening file . The process could not access the file because it is being used by another process." may occur.
To work around this issue, perform one of the following:
What kind of media is are you using? If it's integrated SP1 media 2003 CD, it will not work without a hotfix
Use a Windows 2000/2003/XP CD-ROM, rather than the folder on the hard drive or remote network location
- or -
Use a Windows 2000/2003/XP ISO file, rather than the folder on the hard drive or remote network location
- or -
Do not copy additional files into the same location where the Windows 2000/2003/XP media is located on the hard drive or remote network location.

Hope this helps you.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 2
Still no luck with the above workaround ! !

The Operating System on the new server came as a Dell Factory Image which then had SP1 applied along with all the other recommended Microsoft updates - as well as all the Veritas 10.0 SP1 & all recommended hotfixes

A set of 4 Dell OEM Windows 2003 Small Business Server Premium Editions reinstallation disks were also supplied.

My problem is that when trying the above workaround, whatever files the Intelligent Disaster Recovery Wizard is looking for it cannot find on the supplied Dell OEM disks.

Not being an expert on how the IDR process works, if I eventually manage to create an IDR disk using the Dell disks supplied (pre SP1), will the IDR process be successful in the event of a disaster given that the system on the server has SP1 applied?

Your own documentation states that the when creating an IDR disk the files used during the preparation must be exactly the same as the system being protected.

Again according to the Veritas documentation, if you update the OS system in anyway you are required to update the IDR disk. My question is can you recover an SBS2003 SP1 system using a recovery disk prepared with original system disks that don't have SP1?



Level 2
Is this question to hard for you guys at Veritas? - Your silence says it all! !

As with all the other postings on this forum from users with the exact same problem you have never successfully answered this issue - and all the questions have been left UNANSWERED - which dosn't say much for Veritas Support ! !

It suggests (as read on other technical forums) that there is a problem with the SBS2003 SP1 & the IDR on Backup Exec 10.

Has anyone actually had any success with Backup Exec 10 Intelligent Disaster Recovery Wizard and SBS 2003 SP1- without having to stop & start your server with all the various workarounds???

Level 2
W23K - SP1, BE 10, MS Exchange 2003 - SP1

It is very distressing to me that a "disaster recovery" procedure is dys-functional! There is a problem with the NETLOGON.CHG file in use and all I see in the veritas tech docs and on these forums are procedures that do not solve the problem! And the same advice is handed out over and over and over - DUH! I am an IT professional and I would be shown the door with these kind of results. No matter how many times you run a procedure, if it does not work repeatedly, it is not going to work!

I have followed the procedure for changing permissions and rebooting and it does not work! I have tried to get the IDR wizard to read from the original (Dell supplied) CD and the wizard reports that it is NOT SUPPORTED. I have copied the I386 directory off of the CD to the hard drive and that doesn't work. I have tried using a network drive and it is NOT SUPPORTED! The only location that the wizard will accept for the Install files is C:\WINDOWS - this makes no sense, either!

CLEARLY the NETLOGON.CHG problem is NOT caused by a corrupt file. There are no sync problems or messages in the event log. SO, VERITAS / SYMANTEC HOW ABOUT SOLVING THIS ISSUE?