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Licensing question

Level 3
I have a licensed copy of Veritas BUExec 10 and I have bought the AOFO option. The SBS server has Veritas installed on it and I use the AOFO and IDR on the server for backups. I plan on purchasing the Remote agent so that I can perform a full backup of my Terminal Server (a seperate win2k3 machine) over the network. My questions are:

1) If I perform an IDR full backup of my Terminal Server (which seems unavoidabel when I select a full backup of the Terminal Server), do I need to purchase another IDR agent.

2) If I need to use AOFO option in order to get a clean backup of the Terminal Server do I need to purchase a second license of AOFO for the Terminal Server?



Level 6
Partner Accredited

1. No - IDR is licensed per media server in version 10. So all the remote servers it backs up are also licensed for IDR.
2. Yes - you will need an additional license for AOFO.

Level 3
Happy Easter and thanks for the quick reply. If I do not want to buy another license can Ijust turn off the AOFO agent for the remote server backups without affecting teh AOFO settings for my main server where I need AOFO?