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Mcafee GroupShield 6 with BackupExec 8.6

Level 3
Lately our backups have become painfully slow... (they used to start at 8pm and finish by early morning, but now they continue to run until maybe 2pm the following day.

The only thing I can think of is having installed Mcafee VirusScan 8 and GroupShield 6 for Exchange.

Sometimes it backs up fine (85mb/min) but the bad days it is more like 40mb/min.

I have excluded all the exchange locaations from the virusscan.

I think what must be happening is that while Veritas is backing up the information store, Groupshield tries to scan the files at the same time...

Does anyone run Groupshield 6 with Backup Exec 8.6?

kimMessage was edited by:
Kim Maisch

Level 6
Just for grins, stick a PreJob that stops your AV and a post job that restarts it.

If your speeds go back up, you've pinned down the culprint.

Whether you want to keep AV disabled during backups is a completely nother thing

Level 3
I will try that and see if it makes a difference...

What would be the correct commands to run to stop the following services before backup:

C:\Program Files\Network Associates\McAfee GroupShield\bin\SAFeService.exe


And then start them again after the backup is complete.

And am I correct in thinking that inetinfo.exe (SMTP service) is the correct one to stop to disbale our mail server during the backup?

Does anyone else run Groupshield 6 with Backup Exec 8.6?

KimMessage was edited by:
Kim Maisch