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Memory Allocation Request failed - Help!!!

Level 3
I am running BackUp Exec 11d v7170 with Exchange agent on a Windows 2003 64bit server running Exchange 2007.  I have installed the MAPI to allow it to work properly with Exchange 2007.
The backups are running OK but when i try to restore a folder in a mailbox I get the following error when the job runs:
Job ended: 12 April 2007 at 13:54:56
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0008442 - A memory allocation request failed. The computer may be running low on virtual memory.
Final error category: System Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33858
The link provided above does not work
The server has 4GB of physical ram installed and has 16GB of virtual memory available to it on two disks. I have tried increasing the virtual memory settings for each disk but this seems to make no difference.
I have tried adding the /3GB switch to the boot.ini but it doesnt seem to have resolved the problem as i am still getting the same error message.
Please can anyone help?

Level 6
Microsoft has recently put out a couple of patches that address several issues with backing up and restoring Exchange 2007.
This KB article talks about the insufficient non-paged memory pool error.  This sounds like it may apply to you. 
Please take a look at it and verify that this is the issue you are having.

Level 3
I do not believe this is the problem we are seeing for the following reasons:
1.  The events the support document lists can not be found in the evenlt logs.
The only event in the event logs is the following:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: Backup Exec
Event Category: None
Event ID: 34113
Date:  18/04/2007
Time:  18:16:54
User:  N/A
Backup Exec Alert: Job Failed
(Server: "SHAKESPEARENEW") (Job: "Restore 00021") Restore 00021 -- The job failed with the following error: A memory allocation request failed. The computer may be running low on virtual memory.
 For more information, click the following link:
2.  The versions of the VSS component files on the sytem are newer than the ones that are listed in the support document.
Any thoughts?

Level 6
I have a couple of thoughts here.
First, there is the MS rollup that I would recommend installing.  This does require a reboot.
Second, clear out the power shell event viewer.
Finally, there is a EdgeTranspot.exe.config file located in the bin directory.
Open it in Notepad, there is a value called "EnableResourceMonitoring"  the default for this is True.  I would recommend to change this to False.  The default values for resources are very low, meaning Exchange will stop functioning if it hits the threshold. 
Please let me know the results.