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Minimum Requirements for Backup Server

Level 3
Hi we are running BE 9, could someone please let me know what Veritas minimum and recommended hardware requirements are for the product. I'm looking for:

Virtual memory
Disk Space


Level 2

1. Operating System Requirements:
a. Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Workstation and Server) with Service Pack 6a or later
b. Microsoft Windows 2000 (Professional, Server, Advanced Server, DataCenter) Service Pack 2 or later
c. Microsoft Windows 2000 with Server Appliance Kit 2.0 or later
d. Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (Standard, Web, Enterprise, and DataCenter)
e. Microsoft Windows NT Small Business Server (2000 and 4.5)
f. Microsoft Windows XP Professional

2. Internet Browser:
a. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later; version 5.5 or later recommended

3. Processor Requirements:
a. Minimum Pentium processor system
b. Intel, AMD, or x86-architecture compatible

4. Memory Requirements:
a. Required: 256 MB RAM
b. Recommended: 512 MB (or more for better performance)
c. Virtual memory recommendation: 20 MB, above Windows recommended size for total paging file size (total for all disk volumes)

5. Disk Space Requirements:
a. 550 MB hard disk space required after Microsoft Windows is installed (typical installation)
b. Extra space to store catalogs, log files, and Intelligent Disaster Recovery (IDR) data (if IDR option is installed)

6. Other Hardware:
a. Network interface card (NIC) or Virtual NIC - recommended if remote activity is to be performed
b. CD-ROM drive
c. Printer supported by Microsoft Windows (optional for printing logs, notification)
d. Mouse - recommended
e. Modem supported by Microsoft Windows (optional for pager notification)

7. Storage Hardware:
a. Backup Exec requires at least one storage media drive or robotic library
b. Windows supported controller card
c. Removable storage devices and non-removable hard disk drives to be targeted for backups
d. Support for multi-drive robotic libraries are available separately as a "paid for" option

Level 6

As explained in detailed in the previous reply to your Post refer the given technote :

What are the installation requirements for Backup Exec 9.x for Windows Servers?

For any further Query do revert.

Thank you

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