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Missed jobs question

Level 3
I really hate this time window feature. It should be optional and is one of the reasons our company is starting to look at other products from other vendors.

With that said has anyone found a way to turn it off?

Also, is there a way to get notified if a job is "missed"? I can't find it as an option in the alerts.

We have so many jobs that a missed job can get buried under and this is causing us problems too.


Level 6
The job window can be set to a 24 hour period, (setting the end time to the start time) which effectively turns it off. However, the whole idea of having a job window is to control when backups occur and to prevent backups running during the day and affecting users.

Level 3
The problem I run into is that my (our company's) window is longer then 24 hours on the weekends. If I have a job start Sat morning at 6am and it doesn't get a chance to run until 3pm on Sun, I still want it to run.

Are you saying that setting the job window to the exact same time will give me an unlimited job window?

Level 6
No, I apologize. my suggestion will not work for you- I did not consider your situation.

You want to define a time window that extends the length of the weekend and for the job to run once during this time frame?

Backup Exec's job window cannot exceed 23:59:59 sec. Extending the window to more than 24hrs makes scheduling tricky- it can cause the same job to run more than once, or for the next day's job to 'miss' .

I imagine you are performing the full backups during this time?
An alternate approach is to define a few policies spanning the time frame. For example- one for Friday night, one for Saturday night, and one for Sunday night and distribute selections lists evenly across them so that all jobs get an opportunity to start within 24 hours.

Level 3
Setting up the staggered policies will help but I wish it was like it was back in the 8.x days.

I want to start a job at x time and let it queue until it is done. In my environment it is always better to get a successful backup late then none at all and I wish I didn't have to play games with policies to make that happen.

Thanks for your help.