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Missing backup exec agent

Level 3

Hello all,

I have to vmware machine i used backup exec 2010 with them i miss to install the agent on them i would ask if install them that will effect on this macchines on anything ..

aslo i have another problem with on of my servers i got this error message

 "Unable to create a snapshot of the virtual machine. The virtual machine may be too busy to quiesce to take the snapshot."

and i tried this solution

but it is failed

Thnx all for your support.


Level 3

The agent on the guest machien is requied if you wish to do GRT , if you do not want to do GRT then we do not require the agent inside the guest.

For the virtual machine where you are getting the error regarding unbale to create the snapshot, try to create a manual snapshot of the virtual machine using the vSphere Client. Let us know if you are able to create the snapshot or you are getting any errors.






Level 2


I tried manual snapshot and it is working with no problem

Thanks for your support

Level 3

When you are running the BE job when you are getting the snapshot errror, just check what is the error that is shown in VSphere client ui ? It should show something Createsnapshot failed because of ....

Is the virtual machine being backed up using BE , is the job configured is through a vCenter or a esx  ? What is the version of  esx host , is it licensed ?


Level 2

nothing apear on vsphere when the run job run

yes the virtual machine backed up using BE , the version of esx is 4.1 , it is licensed and it is configured through a vCenter

Level 3

You must see some errors in the Tasks and Events pane in VI client.