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.NET framework for BackupExec 2010

Level 3

I am currently upgrading to BackupExec 2010 from 11d. I have one particular server that CANNOT have a .NET Framework higher than 2.0.

If I push out a remote agent from the new BackupExec 2010 server will it install .NET framework 3.5 like the server did?

I know with SEP v12 there was an option to have older agents (version 11) talk to the SEPM server. Is there an option with this server as well to have legacy agents talk to it?


Thank you


Level 6
Partner Accredited

The following article only shows the requirement for .net 2.0 for the installer.

As far as I know the agent does not require a higher version.

TO answer your second question, BE2010 can talk to BE12.5 agents.

Level 6

To expand on ZeRoC00L's response a little:

Yes a media server can normally talk to a one version down-level Agent, but this is supported "for the purpose of rolling upgrades only"

To meet the Symantec Licensing policy, all your agents must be at the same level as your media server.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Download & install 2.0 SP2 on the remote server -

Perform a local install of the RAWS on the remote server, by copying over the appropriate RAWS & MSXML folders to the root & then running setup.exe

We do have customers running Win 2000 with BE 2010 & there is a requirement to use .NET 2.0 & this works..