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Need help - Remote Backup keeps failing almost every night now.

Level 6
Latest VSS from Microsoft (no errors doing a list writers) - Latest Remote Agent on server along with the media server being the latest also.
I don't know what else to do.    Something the byte count goes high and then fails sometimes it goes very low.
Open a support call but they said it is environmental, never gave me what to do to correct the environmental problem.  
I am getting the following:
Backup- \\XXXXXXXXX\C: V-79-57344-65072 - The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled.
V-79-57344-65072 - The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled.
V-79-57344-65072 - The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled.
V-79-57344-65072 - The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled.
Click an exception below to locate it in the job log
Backup- \\XXXXXX.XXX.XXX\C: V-79-57344-34108 - An unexpected error occurred when cleaning up snapshot volumes. Confirm that all snapped volumes are correctly resynchronized with the original volumes.
V-79-57344-34110 - AOFO: Initialization failure on: "\\XXXXXX.XXX.XXX\Shadow?Copy?Components". Advanced Open File Option used: No.
The network connection failed during the snapshot. Check the network, and then run the job again.
V-79-57344-34110 - AOFO: Initialization failure on: "\\XXXXXX.XXX.XXX\System?State". Advanced Open File Option used: No.
The network connection failed during the snapshot. Check the network, and then run the job again.

Level 6
Try to defrag the remote server and still didn't help.   Anyone?    
I don't know what else to do.

Level 6
Still happening.     
I just don't know what to do.  
Tried opening a Symantec Support call but with all logging turned up, they can only say it is an environment issue that is causing the backup to fail.

Level 6
Happened again tonight.
Does anyone have any suggestions or something to try?

Level 6
Well, finally after days of endless backup jobs failing, I opened a support call this morning.   After about 2 hours and getting my call to second level support still nothing.   Symantec is blaming Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service.    But I disagree because with the remote agent turned off, I am able to perform an NTBackup on the system (which I believe is a good test because NTBackup uses VSS).
If I do a vssadmin list writers prior to BackupExec 11 D running - all writers show it a stable state.
Then I run the vssadmin list writers AFTER I try a BackupExec 11 D job, some of the writers are showing in a failed state.
At this point, I had to open up another call with Microsoft to prove that VSS is not the issue.  
This is getting to the point, that I think I am done with Symantec BackupExec 11 D because it just does not work in my environment.    I am hoping that Microsoft and Symantec will find the cause.
I will keep everyone posted in my journey.
Maybe Version 12 will resolve this issue?

Level 6
Still failing - I have a support ticket open with Symantec Support but all they have done is blame Microsoft.   So I open a call with Microsoft and they said it is symantec causing the issue.
What is a customer suppose to do at this point?   
I need help or another product.
Last night 3 out of 7 backup jobs failed.

Level 6
Still working with support on this.
After a waste of a day yesterday this morning - I finally got to speak with someone.
We ran the following on every server involved - "Netsh int ip set chimney DISABLED"  -  three of the remote servers did not have this set.
So at least we are getting somewhere.

Level 6
Still working with support on this.   No progress whatsoever.
They had me reboot three servers, that still didn't help.
Last night - 3 out of 7 jobs failed
Tonight - 3 out of 7 jobs failed again.
Why is backups so hard?

Level 6
We made some progress, we changed the ports that the remote agent talks on to 40,000 and 60,000.   Then we followed symantec doc # 255498
I will keep everyone posted.    Two days now without a failure.   

Not applicable
Is this still working for you?
I have had the same issue trying to backup Exchange 2007 using the remote agent.  I can backup the Outlook Address Books and the Resources but cannot backup the Information Stores -  no how, no way.
Thanks in advance