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Need to set up disaster recovery off site - comments/suggestions/ideas?

Level 5
Currently have 3 servers. 1) 2000, AD + SQL 2000 2) 2003, AD + Exchange 2003 3) Terminal services. Planning on setting up a disastery recovery set of servers off site that would not communicate with the main office at all. On the DR side, there would only be 2 servers. One for AD, SQL and Exchange and the other for terminal services. I'm trying to figure out what is the best and most simple way to handle this.

I'm thinking I should set up the DR boxes with the same AD domain name and same Exchange instance name but not the same machine name. I would send the tape to the DR site and do an Exchange restore and utilize the "Automatically recreate user accounts and mailboxes" option so I don't have to worry about creating users or somehow replicating the AD users. Plus there is going to be only one DC opposed to 2 and figure the replication would be screwy. I'm guessing I would need to "redirect" the Exchange data since it's going to have a different box name. Also when I do subsequent restores to get the data up to date, I would just overwrite what is already on the DR boxes. SQL would be the same thing as Exchange I would guess. Just restore and overwrite data.

Currently we are using 10d, but planning on upgrading to 11d soon. Since I'm not 100% sure this would work, does this sound right? Am I overlooking something? Is this just plain not going to work? Or am I the smartest man alive? ;)

Message Edited by Mark Valpreda on 08-21-200704:13 PM


Level 4
or you could
If you have a WAN link to DR site you could.
Configure 2 sites inside AD sites and services, here you can define subnets and assocate DC's with those and configure AD replication intervals.
If you are using 2003 R2 you can use DFSR to live replicate files to other file server at DR site.
You can have another exchange server at DR site configured with no mailboxes but part of same admin group.
Have a look at for live exchange replication, it replicates per user mailbox, and you can also fail over individual mailboxes. Most other DR solutuions for exchange replicate at the disk level.
It means you could be up and running at DR site within 1 hour instread of a few hours it takes to restore from tape and other config needed.

Level 5
They are not going to be connected via any link. They are going to be in storage until they are needed. I'm sure that complicates things a little.