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New Install

Level 2
I have just installed Veritas 9.1 on Windows Server 2003. I was going to create a backup job but when I tried to browse the network I received the message " error encountered while attempting to browse the contents of (domain), a list of servers for this workgroup is unavailable" I checked the Windows account being used and it has admin permissions. Did I miss something?

Level 6
I am not sure, I see this sometimes on my own system, but when this happens I even cannot browse the network with explorer. When I try it again after a minut or so it works and I can make selection within BE. I only see this behaviour with W2k3, not with W2k, so I am not sure if this is a BE problem.

A van der Boom

Level 6
It does sound like more of a networking thing.

Can you browse the network with explorer?

Run a netdiag/dcdiag and check it's all OK.

Level 2
I ran netdiag, everything passed. I have no problem browsing the network outside of BE, but once I launch BE and try to browse using BE to navigate to the point I want to back up I am blocked by the " error attempting to browse". I feel I am missing something in the permissions setup- but the account that is setup as the default is a domain admin account. I also tried using mine which is also a domain admin account. Are there any other specific permissions required by BE? I do appreciate the help so far. I will keep tinkering with it.

Level 6

Is remote agent properly installed on all the remote servers whose contents you are trying to browse. Also check whether the Remote Agent for Windows Servers Service (RAWS) is running under the Local System Account on the servers (incl. the Backup Server).

Please try reinstalling and installing the remote agents. That could be helpful.

Also add the name and Ip address of the remote servers in the hosts file on the media server and vice versa.

Please write to us if the issue persists.

Additional Information :
For information on the recent VERITAS Backup Exec security vulnerabilities, including links to the downloads for the necessary hotfixes, please refer to the following document:
Patch summary for Security Advisories VX05-001, VX05-002, VX05-003, VX05-005, VX05-006, VX05-007

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.
