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Newbie in need of help (backup doesn't start)!!

Level 3
Hello everybody.

The problem i'm having is as follows:

I can't get the backup system to work. For the couple of days i've had another media drive (alongside my current tape drive) which i managed to get rid off. well, i got rid off it, but i just created to me another problem.

Now whenever i've tried to start the backup on to the tape drive (named ARCHIVE 1) it doesn't start. It just says in the Job Monitor that the job is Queued, and it never starts.

I went throught Veritas' website and found this and tried all of the proposed solutions (well, i didn't try the step 2, to kill the Backup Exec processes).

Last night it managed to do a backup, but it didn't do it on to the tape. It did it to a folder called Backup-to-Disk 1, which isn't what i want because i want to done to the tape.

Can anyone help me? This is really starting to stress me... *sigh*

BE 9.1
Dell PowerEdge 2600

Level 5
Did you try running "device configuration wizard"?

Level 2
How is your backup configured? In the general tab of your backup job properties do you have the tape drive set or a backup to folder set up? The configuration would be very helpful

Level 3
Hello everybody!

Thanks for your answers. I've struggled today of getting the drive back online again.

Finally succeeded with it by restarting the server.

Will post more on Monday.


Level 3
Update on the current situation:

I tried to see if the tape drive worked by using the Backup Exec provided by Windows. That didn't work either.

However, after i had re-created the job template, selection list and the job itself, it surprised me and worked fine.

Now i'm going re-test it by putting on the scheduled test, and i'll post the results here tomorrow.

Wish me luck!


Level 3
Nope... :(

It's not working..

Sorry for the answer delay.

Now instead of it starts accordingly, but in the next morning it says in the Job monitor that it is loading media after it has gone to something like 22-23 gigs.

We tried with both compressions ('cause we thought it was exceeding the packaging limits), Software and Hardware(if available, otherwise software), but no luck.

Anyone got any ideas on this...?

Tapes are TDK DDS-4 20/40 GB.


Level 3
Update on the situation:

It's gone to the Queued -status again.

Anyone got any ideas?


Level 3
Alright, even though nobody is interested about this topic i might write the situation here anyways:

We got it up & running. The problem was that it was conflicting with the Veritas' drivers & Dell's drivers, thus it put itself offline. Could be seen in the server's "Computer Management".

When we uninstalled the Veritas software, it started working again. And then when we installed the software again, it stopped working. After another un-installation we installed the software, but we didn't install the Veritas' drivers, and the drive returned to online again.

The Queued -probelm we solved by running the cleaning cartridge after the drive returned to normal, and now it's up & running.
