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Notifications Not Sent

Level 3
I'm having a problem sending/receiving email notifications from BEWS 9.1.

I know about and have experienced the daylight savings bug clearing the checkboxes. The checkboxes are not cleared. The test message button says the message was queued, but does not send a message.

When logged on the media server as the back up exec service account, they are no NDRs in the Outlook mailbox. I can send a message from this account to my email and everything works OK. The emails are not going into my spam folder. There is nothing in the "sent" folder for the period of time I haven't received the notifications.

I've tried clearing the checkbox, saving the job, checking the box, and saving it again. I've tried setting it with and without sending a log file.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Level 6

Try to repair Backup exec database:

Please refer the following technote:


Level 3
Database repair made no difference. Any other suggestions?

Level 6

What type of notification are you using? Is it SMTP? Since when does the problem occur? If it is SMPT, ensure that port 25 is open.

Refer to the following technotes that might be helpful:

Revert with details if the issue persists.

Level 3
Hello, sorry about the delayed response. I've been using SMTP for six years. Nothing has changed on this media server is over a year, just the notificaton problem. I can send from the backup service account's Outlook without problem. Test messages and job notifications do not get sent.

Level 3
your not alone, i have had problems getting notified outside our network. ive got a thread going but no replies. i guess more activity in the ver 10 thredds :\

Level 3
I have had the same problem for a while, i have been working on this all day today to find out that in Exchange i had over 130 queues trying to deal with reports. I cleared out all of these un-wanted reports and then sent a test message using Backup Exec and it worked. Have done a test job and i got the reports for this as well.
May not be the same issue but thought it worth a mention, i have left my threads open as well just in case someone else comes up with a proper solution

Level 3
I hate to sound thick, but what queues are you referring to?

Level 3
my guess is the ones found under a particular user, such as the beadmin account, in exchange

Level 3
In Exchange System manager expand servers/(your server)
Click on Queues.
Just for your info i didn't get a report last night, had a look at the queues and i had 56. I tried to send a test message and got nothing. I cleared these queues out so that there were only 11 and then sent another test message and i received it straight away.
The queues are full of NDR's for email which has been send incorrectly to our domain, i believe that the standard is that mail will try to send for 96 hours before it fails. The mails that are trying to sent are to addresses that are invalid so won't send. If you get alot then the queues build up.
I can send messages from outlook when the queues are busy so this must be an issue in the way that Exchange deals with the mail sent from 3rd party software (Backup Exec)

Level 3
Sorry about the earlier confusion, I thought the queues you mentioned were somewhere within BE. I try to keep my Exchange queues clear, but tried the notification test again yesterday IMMEDIATELY after clearing. Still no message. Maybe this is Symantec's way of telling me to buy 10.

Level 3
I finally gave up trying to get the notification to work the way it suppose to so what i did to work around it was to create a distribution list, then slap a "contact" in it and then put the "group" addy in the field to notify. now i get my msgs via my cell and any other email i choose, or several at a time.