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ODBC Access Errors after Backup Exec 2010 R3 Service Pack 3 Update

Level 2

Recently I updated Backup Exec 2010 R3 from SP2 to SP3 which reported no errors during the update.

Backups are now failing with the following Alerts:

ODBC Access Error. Possible lost connection to the database or unsuccessful access to catalog index in the database

Catagory: Catalog Error

Type: Error

Server: {Server Name}

Source: System

Event ID: 34338


System: Windows Server 2008 SP2

Backup Exec 2010 R3  Media Server Version 13.0 Rev 5204 (32 bit)

Installed Updates listed: Service Pack 3

Backup exec database is located on another SQL server on the network. I have verified that no network connection has been lost and that the DB is up and running on the other server.


Thank you in advance for your help!


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Check if all Backup Exec services arfe running.

Also check if you can connect to the SQL server:


Level 2

All services are running. 

Ran the connection test in the article provided and was able to connect without issue.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

See if creating a new Catalogs folder or by running catrebuildindex -r helps or not.

Verbatim from KBs _

  • Stop all BE Services
  • Open command prompt and browse to x:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec
  • Run "CatRebuildIndex -r".
  • Start all BE services.

If the above doesn't work, try this ~

  • Stop all Backup Exec services.
  • Rename the Catalogs folder to Catalogs_OLD (default location - x:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\)
  • Run the steps from Solution 1 above. (Regarding catrebuildindex -r)
  • Start all BE services. A new Catalogs folder will be created.
  • At this point no catalogs are present as this is a new, blank Catalogs folder.
  • It will be necessary to run a Catalog job on each piece of media prior to running any restore or duplicate job on that media.


Level 2

When running the catrebuildindex -r in both steps above I receive:

CatUpgrade: Schema Upgrade to 13.2 from 13.1
RunSQLScript via dbutil: D:\Program Files\Symantec2010\Backup Exec\catupgrade_13_0.sql
{dbuitil RunSQLScript info here}
CatUpgrade: SchemaUpgrade Catalog Schema Version= 13.1
CatUpgrade: SchemaUpgrade failed.


Level 6
Employee Accredited

Please log a support case for this issue.