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Policies add/remove servers

Level 2
I'm in a new situation replacing the old systems administrator and am trying to get the backup exec policies straightened out.

Everything is working however there is a policy in place on a server we just replaced and I need to know how to delete the old server's jobs. When i try and right click on the job and delete i get the following error because it is under a policy
"you cannot manually delete a job that was created by a policy. You must first remove the association between the job and the policy by clicking "delete jobs created by policy" on the job setup task pane and then delete the job"
Maybe I�m blind but I�m not seeing the delete jobs created by policy menu option/button. Where can this be found? (also understand I only want to delete one job not all of them)

I also would like to know how to add a new server to that policy, I have backup exec already installed on the server and it is being backed up; however, under the policy column (in job setup) the policy is blank.

Joel Benscoter

Level 2

Level 2
I hate to keep bumping this thread but I haven't received any responses yet.

Level 2

I'm in exactly the same situation - trying to tidy up an inherited installation. I think I've got the hang of policies etc, but in my learning experience I've also ended up with two "orphan" jobs - they were created by a policy, the policy no longer exists so I cannot delete the jobs.

As the policy no longer exists, I can't right-click it and "Delete jobs created by policy".

I'm pretty sure the problem is of my own making, but would appreciate any help in tidying up my installation!


Level 2
I thought this may be a reasonably common problem....

I'll look to open a support ticket with Symantec and if I get a resolution I'll post it here.

Level 3
Hello, Phil Kingston.
Did you solve the problem? i am in the same situation with an indelible job.

Level 2
Hi Mikhail,

I never got round to fixing this or opening a support ticket. I've just put up with the erroneous entries displayed in the list. Sorry I can't help more.
