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Previously working job, suddenly starts giving VSS Errors on different servers and freezing

Level 3
I've had a backup job created and running smoothly (short when people don't change tape) for over a year now.  Recently, 12/3/09, the backup started having problems backing up the Shadow?Copy?Components and/or the System?State of random servers.  I have followed the Symantec support documentation in verifing that the VSS writers are in proper working order,  and they all appear to be working properly.   I have logged a case with Symantec Support but I haven't been able to get much help from them.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.  

Level 6

Please install the VSS rollup patch (REBBOOT REQUIRED)
and try backups

Level 3
I will install this on the few remaining 2003 servers we are backing up...but I did notice that this was released in 2007, shouldn't this be already installed on these boxes since we do monthly updates to the servers? 

Level 6

This VSS rollup patch is not a part of regular update

Level 3
I did install this update on the two main problem servers however, this did not solve the problem though.  I"m not getting ANY responses from Symantec Support.  

Level 6

Issue with Volume Shadow Copy Service

1  : Make sure that the "Volume Shadow Service" and the "MS Software Shadow Copy Provider" services are stopped and the startup type is set to "MANUAL"

2  : Second option is to re-register VSS (Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP ONLY)
Open the command prompt

Net stop vss
Net stop swprv
regsvr32 ole32.dll
regsvr32 vss_ps.dll
Vssvc /Register
regsvr32 /i swprv.dll
regsvr32 /i eventcls.dll
regsvr32 es.dll
regsvr32 stdprov.dll
regsvr32 vssui.dll
regsvr32 msxml.dll
regsvr32 msxml3.dll
regsvr32 msxml4.dll

Reboot the server and try backups

Another Solution:
To fix this problem do the following:
1. Backup the follwing regkey: HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftEventSystem{26c409cc-ae86-11d1-b616-00805fc79216}Subscriptions
2. Erase the regkey
3. Reboot.
4. Verify that things are working by running "vssadmin list writers"

Level 6
 Any you opened up a case already with support?  As this forum is not a Symantec support tool, but rather a community support tool where we help each other.

That said, call them back up, and ask for a duty manager immediately.  Explain that you opened a case, and are not getting the level of support you think you should be getting.  He'll escalate it.

Level 6

If you are not getting good support from Symantec Support, update your case at and ask the support engineer to escalate the case to the next level with immediate effect. As said by teiva-boy, you can directly talk with Duty Manager and get the case Escalated to the next level.

Symantec support is one of the BEST Supports.

Level 3
I have tried this already per Symantec Troubleshooting tips  on VSS.  Still same affect.  I even removed the two "problem" server from the backup selection only to have the issue move to another previously unaffected server. 

Level 3
Currently it's already on the "advanced team" and this has NOT been very helpful.  His only true solution has been to create seperate backup jobs for each server.  This is impossible since I only have a window of 8 hours to backup and verify 14 servers. I don't know what the final solution is going to be but I need to figure it out.  I'm finding out that the "paid" support isn't much better than the free support via the forums.

Level 3
Just got back off a much needed leave and I am now working on this again.  My ticket has been bounced again to another team member.  Now it appears that he wants to redeploy all the remote agents.  Why haven't i tried this? Well I asked the very first person about this and he stated that it wasn't needed....guess I should have anyway right?