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Problem with DR file

Level 3



I have a server file under Win2008 and data are saved everyday with LTO tape drive and Backup exec 2012.

DR file for recovery are save on path by default C:\Program Files\Symantec\backup exe\sdr\data and on a second path on another computer \\srv\folder$

Everything is work perfectly but since few days, DR files is no longer create on his folder. I have an old DR file of 28 January 2015 but the new DR file does not appear on either the first or the second path.

I don't understand, backup are completed and successful, no error messages Have you an idea ?


Accepted Solutions

Level 3

It's OK ! in fact it's necessary to re-create the task ok backup. The change don't affect a task already created.

Thanks so much everybody for your help.

Good week-end !


View solution in original post


   VIP    Certified
Check the selection list again and make sure that the SDR light is on. Delete everything in the directories pointed to by the two paths. Check that there is no AV scan during the backup

Level 3


I 'm goin to find an explanation.

Since begining, I made a complete backup of my server (C: drive - D: drive - E: drive and System state) SDR light was "ON"

But recently, I excluded a specific folder on D: Drive wich contains non critical data and effectively SDR light is "OFF"

This folder is too heavy for the backup so I need to excluded it.

What is the solution ?


   VIP    Certified
See this document Something in your machine is pointing to this directory and causing it to be critical for recovery so be aware that excluding this directory may cause your machine to be unrecoverable

Level 3

It's only data ...

I follow the procedure. I created the keys in the registry.

Before the procedure, when I filled D: drive, SDR light was "ON" but now when I filled or unfilled D: drive, SDR light is always "OFF"

Need to restart computer or services ?


Level 3

No changes with restart symantec services

   VIP    Certified

Try restarting all the BE services

   VIP    Certified

Remove the registry keys, restart the BE services and see whether the SDR turns on when you select the entire server.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Have you created a registry key in such a manner ? (If possible, would you post a screenshot)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Simplified System Protection\User-Defined Exclusion Resources\D:

Level 3

VJware => I created exactly like this :


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Symantec\Backup Exec For Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Simplified System Protection\User-Defined Exclusion Resources\D:

Level 3

PKH =>

1. I remove the registry keys

2. I restart the BE services

=> The SDR turns ON when I select the entire server

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

In that case, i would recommend to log a support case for an engineer to have a look @ your setup as this is unexpected behavior that the registry key is not being honored.

Level 3

What am I supposed to do for asking support for an engineer ?

Level 3

It's the only help that you can offer me ?

The key is partially honored because when I created it, the SDR light is always OFF even if I select entire disk D: ...

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

The reason i am suggesting you to log a support case is because what you are experiencing is unexpected behavior and something which i haven't come across. Logging a formal case allows an engineer to have a look @ your setup, debug and analyse logs, involve other teams such as engineering if needed and so on which cannot be accomplished via an user-assisted forum community.


Out of curiousity. Are you making the backup selections as follows:

1) Select the complete server by ensuring the top-level selection is checked and create the backup job. (Do not individually select drives and folders)
2) Create the registry key to allow exclusion of D:\
3) Edit the backup job and now deselect only the folder from the D:\ drive

Level 3

It's OK ! in fact it's necessary to re-create the task ok backup. The change don't affect a task already created.

Thanks so much everybody for your help.

Good week-end !