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Problems with Device Busy in Backup Exec 2010 V3

Level 3

I have 5 different installations of Backup Exec 2010, V1,2 and 3 and all of them at some point have had "device busy" errors which have prevented scheduled backups from running. I believe this has always ultimately been fixed by a hotfix (there have been a lot of them since symantec took over this product). I am now stuck with a V3 installation which eventually installed the latest hotfixes available (aftr 3 attempts when the installation just failed) and yet still has the same error. It worked when I first installed it but I think stopped after the first hotfix was installed. This is trial software at the moment which is about to expire. I would prefer to resolve it and continue using the product but my patience has nearly out (as is the trial).

Anyone know how to fix this?


Level 3

Forgot to mention, this installation, like all the others, is on Windows 2008 SBS with all the latest patches.

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Hi Geoff,


Have you tried to Pause/Unpause the device on your server's name in BE's Devices tab?



Level 3

I have tried that with previous installations with no success, but not with this latest V3 install. I'll have a go at lunchtime.