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Ralus 11d agent on RHEL4 x86_64 - can't browse to agent from server console

Level 2
Backup Server: BackupExec 10d Rev. 5629 for Windows Servers ( Win server 2000 SP4)

Agent: ralus 11d (RHEL4 x86_64)

BOTH servers are member servers of a Samba domain ( NOT AD).

I've installed the ralus 11d agent on a RHEL4 server ( install log had no errors), and started the agent.

On the Backup server, under "Remote Selections", "Unix Agents" I don't see the RHEL4 server.
I've added the servers IP address under the "User-defined Selections", but when I browse to is all I can see is the "root" users home directory ( which looks like a windows share). AND all the available selections within this folder are greyed-out.

I've just installed the ralus agent licenses on my backup server today, so I know I have licenses available for the agent.

I have also installed the ralus 10d on another linux server today and it works fine.

Since this server is an x86_64 server I can't use the 10d agent ( which is working fine on other RHEL4 x86 servers).

Am I missing some options within the ralus.cfg file or does this sound like a licensing issue ( perhaps I only installed ONE license today instead of the 5 I thought I was installing??)

I can post the beremote.log is anyone is interested.

I've started the agent like this:
/opt/VRTSralus/bin/beremote --log-file /var/log/VRTSralus/beremote.log --config-file /etc/VRTSralus/ralus.cfg 2>/var/log/VRTSralus/beremote.log &

( Yes I've edited the /etc/init.d/VRTSralus.init script to explicitly say where the log is and where the config file is).

In the beremote.log I have this message:
NrdsAdvertiserThread: send of agent.server type 22 subtype 0 to target= port=6101 succeeded

I've edited the agent server name ( for this thread) to "agent.server", the IP address of the backup server is
It looks to me as if the agent is communicating with the backup server.
If I run a tcpdump on the linux server I can see traffic coming/going to/from both machines.

Do I have a license issue? If so, how do I find out?

Level 2
I called tech support and according to the technician I have to upgrade the BackupExec Server to 11d.

I will also have to upgrade ALL agents to 11d.

I am currently using over a dozen legacy linux agents which ( again, according to tech support) will NOT work with BackupExec Server 11d. So I have to purchase the agent licenses.

According to tech support, BackupExec Server 11d does NOT work with any previous versions of the agent.

Does this sound correct?

Does anyone have BackupExec 11d working with the 10d agent ( on linux or windows)??

As of now I am planning on upgrading my entire Backup infrastructure.

Level 4
They are correct, unfortunatley. 10d agents do not communicate with 11d. I mean why would they want that? They want you to have to pay for the remote agents again.

Don't upgrade if you have any Fedora Core boxes you are planning to backup, as it is NOT supported in 11d. How do i know this? Yeah, i did it, and am now in the pickle of trying to figure out how i am going to get good backups of my FC5 box. /cry

Level 3
10D ralus agents DO talk to 11D.

In fact, I have a few servers that the 11D ralus agent won't work worth a **bleep**, and we had to downgrade to the 10D agent to get backups.