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Recommended procedure for switching removable backup-to-disk folder

Level 3
Hi all,
I have a setup where I write my backups to a directly connected MSA storage and then duplicate the jobs to one of the removable backup-to-disk folders I have configured on two USB-drives. The USB-drive are switched on a weekly basis and the offline one is taken offsite.
I was wondering what the best procedure is for taking the removable backup-to-disk folder offline and disconnecting it from the system?
I was under the impression that I could just stop the device via Windows removable devices and unplug the drive. However, now I'm seeing 33808 error in the event log refering to the path for the offline drive. Do I need to pause the drive in BE12 before I stop it in Windows removable devices and dissconnect it from the system?
What would be the recommended procedure when switching the drives, disconnecting, reconnecting, pausing, inventory, stopping, etc? I cant seem to find any information in the admin manual clarifying this.
Everything seems to work great, BE12 pulls the online USB-drive from my removable-device pool targeted for the duplication job and finishes successfully. It is just annoying with the application errors in the event log.
Kind regards,

Level 6
This keeps coming up, and AFAIK, there is no "official" way of doing it
Probably the best way would be to pause/dis-able the folder in BackupExec  before removing the HD, and then un-pausing the appropriate device after re-connecting the new HD

Level 3
Hi Ken,
thank you for your reply.
I guess I have to make my own routine for switching the disks and go with that then. What ever works, right :)
However, I find it strange that there's nothing to find in the documentation about this. It seems like a common scenario. Since the purpose of removable-b2d-folders is to be able to remove them, some recommendation on how to best do this seems to be a good idea, especially since you get application errors if you do it the "wrong" way.
How do you other BE12 users here do this? Do you get any application errors in the event log or experience any other problem?
Kind regards,

Level 6
One fellow posted a sample CMD file (in the v11d forum as I recall), that used BEMCMD to pause and then unpause all his removeable device folders, because he was getting jobs waiting for a folder that had been disconnected
he ran it with  Task Scheduler half an hour before the nightly backup cycle started   you may want to consider something like this.  You'll get the errors in the Event Log, but all the jobs should run as scheduled

Level 4
I've been fighting this issue for a bit as well. I ended up making a folder and drive letter for each of my removable drives; so I have drive A, B and C - each assigned a different drive letter. Then I took each selection list and made multiple jobs per device; a Full and a Differential schedule for each drive. Then I just have ot be sure that I hook up the correct drive each week. Awkward, but it works.

Level 3

I have got this to work quite well for me.


All RB2D-folders are grouped in the same device pool (removable devices).

Each RB2D-folder is located on it's own USB-drive.

Each USB-drive has its own drive letter and hooks up to its own USB-port.


Jobs are configured to pull any available device from the "removable devices" device pool.


I switch devices by:

Plugging in the "new" one in its USB-port

Give Windows time to mount it

Unpause the device in BEMS

Run an inventory of the device

Pausing the "old" device in BEMS

Unmount it from Windows

Unplug it from the USB-port


When the next job sheduled to backup to a removable device runs, it pulls the "new" disk from the device pool (since its now been made available) and the backup runs just fine.


