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Remote Agent license on local media server

Level 4


I'm wondering if we need to install a remote agent license on the media server and also what purpose would that server to do so for incremental backups?




Level 6

I'm wondering if we need to install a remote agent license on the media server

The "Remote Agent" is installed on the media server when BackupExec is installed, but does not need a separate license

The "remote agent" is how backup exec accesses data on each server it backs up, even the media server itself


what purpose would that server to do so for incremental backups?

I don't understand what you are asking here.  An incremental backup just grabs data that has changed since the last full or incr job

Level 4

Where / how do I set up the remote agent? I don't see it anywhere.  The technician at Symantec told me that I may need to purchase a license for the remote agent and install it in order to alleviate the errors the software is reporting about not being able to find a remote agent on the SAN server.


Also I know an incremental backup is suppose to just grab the data that has changed since the last full or incremental job, but in this dedupe suite it is not doing that.  What I mean is, it isn't increasing the backed up data size by 2x but it takes 20 hours to do a full backup using dedupe... and then it is taking 20 hours to do an incremental backup job.


I need to know how to get the incremental to only "grab" the changed data rather than taking practially a full day to do a job that should only take relatively a couple hours to do.


By the way, the incremental backup is set to "Incr/Mod time".  If this is incorrect, please let me know the proper configuration because this takes far too long.



   VIP    Certified

To install the remote agent licence key, go to Tools ---> Install Licence Keys and Options ...

Even if you install the licence key, you would not be able to get rid of the warning that you do not have an agent installed when you backup your SAN.  This is because you cannot install an agent on your SAN.  However, you still need a remote agent licence to backup your SAN, even if you are not installing an agent on the SAN.  Getting the remote agent licence is to comply with the licencing terms.

I think you are getting muddled up because you are doing dedup.  To make sure that you are getting your incremental backups right, do your backup to a normal B2D folder first.  Check the result and make sure that the correct files are being backed up.  After that, then switch your job to target the dedup folder.