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Remote Agent preventing backup from running on new 2003 server

Level 2
I've installed a new Win2003 file server and had to manually install the remote agent (version 10).
The service is up and running on the new server, however when it is running the backup job fails everytime and gives me the following error.
"Directory was not found, or could not be accessed.
None of the files or subdirectories contained within will be backed up."

If i disable the remote agent on the new server, the backup job will run fine.

I have two other backup jobs running on the same backup server and they can connect to thier proper Win2003 servers with the Agent installed without a problem.

Something on this new server and the Agent software is preventing the backup from running, but i have no idea what it could be as this new server hasn't had anything else installed on it yet.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Level 6
try removing and reinstalling the remote agent

are you publishing the RA to the media server?  if not, try setting that up also.  See the Admin Guide page 892

Level 2
I did review the publishing as mentioned on page 892, but that doesn't quite make sense why i would have to do that since I have not done that on my other servers and they backup just fine.

I upgraded my software to the latest service pack and re-installed the remote agent on all servers.
i noticed i was abel to push the install to all the servers except the one i am having the issue with.

I constantly get an error message when trying to push the install saying that i am logged in as a user other the account that is actually logged in. Please close all existing connections and try again.

I have tried this with numerous domain admin accounts and the local account that is logged into the machine (which is also a domain admin) but i always get this same message. its alomost like something on teh server is preventing the push, but i am not sure what service or program it could be. Firewall is not enabled.

Any other thoughts?

(I've have tried a local command line install of the agent which installs completely, however if i allow the service to run the backup will fail)

I'd reformat the server and try again, but i am not convinced it will fix the issue.


Level 6
The comment about already being logged on can come if you have a printer or share mapped to that server as yourself, but are trying to connect as the BESA

Other than that, sounds really strange!!