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Remove the nedia

Level 2
Every morning, the message displays as “Please remove the media from the drive, and Respond OK,” even though the tape was ejected and removed. The setting for the backup is “Eject media after job completes”. The only way to get out of it is to stop all services and restart again or a reboot of server.

Any suggestion for a fix?


Level 3
Are you sure your tape isn't filling up and asking for a second tape? I just went through this as it doesn't specify a second tape but if you look at the backup sizes they are probably pushing the capacity limit for the tape.

Level 2
No, that was a tape just erased last week and should've not been filled up for the capacity. It actually happened a few times last week with different tapes. I would think it’s the problem with Veritas backup software or the drive make by Quantum (DLT1) or Windows 2000.

Level 3
So what's the capacity of the tape and the total for the backup job. Mine was quitting at 34GB on a 20/40 GB tape. I guess the compression ratios are not exactly 100%. Once I deleted some unneeded stuff, it started completing again.

Level 2
Thank you for your prompt response! It's a 40/80 tape, but the job should be less than 27G. I just cancelled the job. It showed me an error as “Mount failed”, the job actually did even not run!

Level 6
It's stupid, but that is the way that BackupExec is written

See for some tweaks, one of which will AutoRespond to this prompt

Level 6

Please refer the Technote given in the last reply :

How to configure Backup Exec to automatically respond to media alerts, including when a backup hangs at 99%, until the user responds to a tape eject prompt

-without selecting this option “Eject media after job completes” do you get the same alert again?

-Have you tried with some other tape ?

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query
Hope this will help you

Thank you

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