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Restore of LServer - Folder

Level 3

we have the following problem:

We want to restore the the lserver - files located in %systemroot%\system32\lserver\ but there aren't files in the backup. In the Backup-Selections i see the files an they are selected. I searched and found this...

To back up the Removable Storage database in the \Ntmsdata subdirectory, the
WMI repository in the wbem\Repository subdirectory, and the Terminal Services
database in the default \LServer subdirectory, select the \System32
directory. Files that you place in the Systemroot\System32\Ntmsdata
subdirectory, the \wbem\Repository subdirectory, or the default \LServer
subdirectory may not be backed up; only system files are included in the backup. It is recommended that you do not place user files in the Systemroot\System32
directory or subdirectories.

Can i backup the files or not, why i see them in the selections...

Thank for your help...