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SDR and DR files

Level 5

Can you use .DR files created from previous backup sets when you do an SDR recovery?

For example, if you are restoring Wednesday's backup, can you use an SDR file that was created Tuesday?

I'm asking because it seems the .DR file is created after the backup is run, and therefore not backed up until the following job.


   VIP    Certified

PKH was saying that he believed a copy of the .dr file was kept with the dataset and could be used for a restore from the media server.

I never say that.  I always maintain that you need a separate .dr file is needed for a SDR restore of the media server.  The reason why SDR can use the existing catalogs is that a .dr file is kept together with the backup set.  This .dr file can be used to recover remote servers.  I always say that you need a media server to use the .dr file kept together with the backup set.  See this comment.

Previously, for IDR (prior to BE 2012), you cannot do a IDR restore from the catalogs for remote servers because a .dr file is not kept in the backup set.

You are both absolutely right in that a USB device to be removed and stored with the tape would greatly simplify my restore

This is what I have told you previous, but you have rejected the idea.

Level 5

I spoke with an engineer in charge of SDR and he advised me that they had considered adding the ability to email the .dr file out or add FTP or similar as a network location, but that those ideas didn't take root because of potentially large numbers of .dr files being generated for lots of servers.

My environment is small businesses, 1-3 servers, so this wouldn't be an issue. Hopefully, we will see some help on this front for those who have only a single server to back up!

Employee Accredited Certified

In the case of a Disk based backup set (from 2012) I believe the .DR file is kept with the data set as well as in the specified .DR file locations. This is not true for tape based sets.

Also in the case of disk based sets if the media server still exists (or has been recovered first) that remote .DR of other servers actually uses the catalogs on the media server and not the .DR files anyway. .DR files are only used where media server and / or catalogs do not exist. This is a change from how 2010 and earlier functioned.