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Server Upgrade to Server 2008 SP2 (Non R2), job takes forever to run

Level 2

Backup Exec 12.5

We had a server running Server 2003 x32 SP2. We were backing up system state and several data folders. Normally it would take on a full backup about 2 hours to backup.

We wiped the server and installed Server 2008 x64 SP2, named it the same name (its also running sharepoint) and reinstalled the remote agent client.

Now system state never completes. It started at 9:11 PM last night and still didn't have a finish time this morning. The full backup took 36 hours this weekend, with the same amount of data.

I tried removing the server selection from the backup job, saving it and adding it back. That didn't help.

Any suggestions? I have applied every update i can find, except for the R2 hotfix. The backup agent is 12.5.2213

I would rather not completly redo the backup job, but if that would help, it must be done.



Level 6
did you install remote agent client 64 bits?
Dou you run a separate System State backup job?



Level 2

I did the push install from the server. Does that pick the right version or do I need to remove it and do the manual install of 64?

I did a single job for System State and it was fine. I am setting up a single System state backup for all my servers now.

EDIT: I started a full backup job of the server earlier. It is backing up a 20MB/Min currently, which seems very slow

Level 6

First step, make sure you have last patchs and Symantec drives.
Remove client agent and reinstal it.

Have single System Stated backups is a good practice
20MB/MIN is very slow

How fast is when you copu files from one server to the other?
Look if anti-virus is checking read files.


Level 2
Re-installed the client with the RAWSX64 folder

Doing a direct copy from Windows 2008 to 2003 I was getting around 600k/S. I ran the net sh command (netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled)
that removes autotuning and that gave me about a 200% speed increase 1.8M/S.

I disabled read/creation detection on the A/V on both sides to see if that helps. I didn't see an immediate improvement, but time will tell on that one.

I also checked for funky things like drive compression and packet problems and didn't see anything. The server is Team NIC'd but it was before the upgrade also.

I also upgraded the NIC drivers. In the hurry to get this thing into production I used the MS drivers.

Live update on the Backup Server shows we are fully patched.

After the changes made I copied the same folders over at 44MB/S

Woot. Restarted the job and its currently showing 1752MB/min

Much thanks. I think it was a combo of the NIC drivers and the 64bit Agent.