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Server hangs/crash when backup is performed

Level 3

I am having problems with backing up a file share server. I use the Agent for windows servers on the file server.

When the snapshot is complete and backup is started it usually takes between 80-600gb before the server hangs/crash.

In the job log it says The network connection to the Backup Exec Remote Agent has been lost. Check for network errors.

I also get this error An unexpected error occurred when cleaning up Symantec Volume Snapshot Provider (VSP) snapshots. Make sure that no other application has a lock on the cache files created by the snapshot operation.

The machine is a Dell 6650 with a power vault attach to it.
Operating system is Windows 2003 SP1.

The backup server is a Dell 6650 Windows 2003 SP1.
Backup exec ver. 10.d 5629.

Any help would be appreciated.


Henrik Olofsson

Level 6

What type of backup are you running? Are you using AOFO for backing up the remote server? Does the remote agent service stop during the backup? Refer to the technotes below and see if they help in resolving the problem:

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Level 3

sorry this does not solve my problems. Both machines are recently installed and has all the latest drivers. The problem is that the file server hangs while taking backup. The file server works fine when backup is not performed.

I really have no idea what i could be. Can i clear the snapshot it is taking some how?



Level 6

- Are you using AOFO for backing up the remote server?

- Does the remote agent service stop during the backup?

- Do you receive any events in the event logs?

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and would be moved to answered questions pool.


Level 4
I'm seeing a very similar problem.
Nothing shows up in the event logs.
The only error is a message in the job log that
Final error: 0xe00084f8 - The network connection to the Backup Exec Remote Agent has been lost.
All the latest drivers are installed.
I am using AOFO.
We completely rebuilt this server and it still happens.

Level 6

Have you tried a backup without having selected the AOFO?

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Level 4
Tried it and it seemed to wok okay but then again this doesn't happen every time.

Level 2
I'm having the same problem. Same error on a local server backup. Server is a windows 2003 SBS and I'm using Veritas Backup Exec Small business edition premium. I'm not using AOFO but there is something in the log about OFO using Microsoft VSS.


Level 2
Oh and the job engine seems to crash after as well.

Level 6

Run the sgmon before running the backup job

How to create SGMON.LOG

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Level 2
Was there an answer for this? I have the same problem.

Level 4
Same problem here.

The application is buggy as hell to begin with, adding 2003 makes matters worse.

I highly recommend checking out If you can edit a text file, bacula does the job very well in win2003 and 2k.

Level 5
We have a Dell PowerEdge 2600 (dedicated file server) and we use BE v10.1d on production level. BE v11d is still in test environment and won't be released to production until all bugs have been fixed.

We are also experiencing the same problem with our file server. As soon as the backup job hits that file server, the file server gets the blue screen...

Call your hardware vendor for support. NMI ? Parity Check / Memory parity Error

*** The system has halted ***


At first, we thought it was hardware issue. We've contacted Dell to troubleshoot this. We've been troubleshooting this for almost a year on this.

The Event Log does not show anything except the time gap and saying that the system had shutdown unexpectantly. The Dell OpenManage log just shows PCI Error.

We've ran all sorts of tools and tests. All says the hardware is fine. We even ran with Microsoft's Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool. That came clean as well.

We had the motherboard replaced. Still the same problem. We had the RAMs replaced recently....still monitoring.

After seeing this thread in the forum, I realize that the server hangs/crash does coincide at the moment when the backup job hits the file server.

Yes, we do use AOFO on the file server because it makes sense to use AOFO for backup on a file shared server. Yes, we've disabled and enabled the AOFO and still does not make a difference. Server still hangs/crash...

HOWEVER, I've noticed something different about this whole scenario. I've placed the file server at the top of the resource order, making it FIRST to far, it has not crashed YET.

When the file server is either, second on the list or middle of the list or last on the list, somehow, going from one resource to another causes the file server to crash. But putting the file server at the top of the resource, it has not crashed--YET.

I am still keeping a hawk eye on it. For the past few months, I've been sacrificing my family time on the weekend monitoring the backup job just to make sure the file server does not crash. When it does, all hell rains down and I have to go in just to push a button.

In summary, one thing is certain, this file server crash coincides when the backup job hits the file server if it is not First on the resource order. So it's not just a fluke or anamoly. I can be absolutely positive that the problem is related to Backup Exec and not hardware.