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Server shuts down in middle of back up, Please Help!

Level 2

We are currently having troubles with one specific servers in our Backup jobs.  This is a stand alone job that backs up basic files on a Server 2003 Enterprise server.  We are using no Advanced Open File options or anything else.

The sequence of events before the shutdown is as follows:
The LiveUpdate service Starts, Runs, then shuts down,  all in a minute timeframe.
Then the Volume Shadow Copy Service is sent a start control, and then runs.
After that the Microsoft Software Shadow Copy service starts, and then runs.
After that the server shuts down and hangs until you manually reboot it.

I haven't been able to receive much help on this.  I have done all of the hardware test as well as ran defrags successfully, and checked the Hard drives for disk errors.  Everything seems fine on the hardware level.

I have a feeling it is something with the Shadow Copy services, but I can't pinpoint anything.

Please any help? 

William Culver

Level 5
Employee Accredited
Hi William,
Check the windows event viewer for VSS or VolSnap errors.  Try to run a backup of only the shadow copy components and one backup excluding the Shadow copy components to isolate the problem.
Go to a command prompt type in vssadmin list writers and check if there are any errors .  You can try reinstall the current service pack for the windows os.  