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Simultaneous Remote Backups

Level 2
Hello, does anyone know if Verits will do this? I have a remote site on an SDSL line that Veritas backs up by pulling the data down this pipe. I am currently structuring a new remote site which will have a second SDSL line. Will Veritas pull down the data from both site simultaneously, or consecutivley?

Many thanks for any responses.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
The new remote site - I take it you mean it will another another server you want to backup - if the answer if yes - then BE will have no issues doing this
You will need to backup jobs to do this - you will also need
2 destination devices where you can run backup simultaneously - or you have setup a Backup to disk device, which has been set for more than 1 concurrent operation.

FYI the BE doesn't pull data across - the remote server pushes data to the BE media server.

Level 2
Thank-you very much John, your help is greatly appreciated. Simon.