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Size of restoration smaller than backup

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   Why am I seeing a much smaller amount of data being restored than was written to the backup job?  I'm using BackupExec 10d and writing our backup jobs to a LTO-3 tape library.  We're in the process of upgrading our Windows Server 2003 data server by restoring/redirecting backups to a newer, different server.  The restoration/redirection of a full backup was within 1% of the size of the full backup job, but the two subsequent incremental restoration/redirection jobs were much smaller.  The first incremental job wrote 3.908Gb to the tape, but only restored .929Gb to the new server.  The second incremental job wrote 3.728Gb to the tape, but only restored .449Gb to the new server.  Both restore jobs showed up as successful and 100% complete.  I've have not tried going though the restored folders to see if anything is missing, since it includes many thousands of folders for hundreds of users.  Also, we've yet to do one final incremental backup/restore before we switch over entirely to the new server.
  Thanks in advance for any help with this question.