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Slow backup performance on remote servers

Not applicable

Hopefully someone can help before I tear all my hair out...


Anyway, I've got a new install of BE12, all patched up as of 2 weeks ago.  Attached to my backup server is a brand new LTO4, which is recognized just fine by BackupExec.  Brand new tapes.


Backup of the local server are fast.  In the area of 1,500 MB/min fast.  That I can live with.  What I can't live with though is the 200 MB/min backup rate of all remote servers.  I've pushed agents to them and backups succeed, but at 200 MB/min, it takes me all weekend to get a full backup of all my servers.


I bought an LTO4 so I'd have a small backup window, but this is rediculous.  I've played with autonegotiate and link speeds on all the NICs, updated firmware and drivers, and 200 MB/min is about the best I can get.


Well, let me correct that.  When it starts a remote server, it kicks off at about 600 MB/min.  Then after a couple minutes, it hits about 150 MB/min, then back up to 200 MB/min.  Where it hovers until complete.


Anyone have any pointers?  I've never experienced this after deploying many BE solutions, but this is my first v12 deployment.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Level 4

Hi Myxx,


Not sure if you have figured anything out about htis yet.  I don't really have a solution, but a couple of things to check, that might help some.


I notice on my backups the speed maxes out at somewhere between 500 and 600 MB/Min on servers that have larger files, such as my Domino servers.  But on servers with a log of small files this generally drops down to 200 - 300 MB/min  I haven't been able to get this to be faster, but I suspect a couple of things in my environment. 


1) I only have 100MBPS switch and connections. - When I check the server (both backup server and server being backed up) Network connection what I see on the servers with many smaller files such as a file server the network pegs and then drops down to nearly zero then pegs again, etc.  So no real stream happening there.  I think this might actuall be a limitation of a windows servers file system.  I haven't found a way to cache up this operation yet.  BTW - I use the agent on my windows servers to supposedly optimal.  Also, I am not sure even using a GigE conenction and switches would improve this much, because I think the time is with the server being backed up.


2) Both processor and ram on the server being backed up and the backup server are really minimal during the backups, so at least mine do not appear to be waiting for processor or memeory time.  But this is somethign to check on your end as well.  I have seen small servers and workstations used as servers where processor and / or memory could be an issue.


3) Finally what I ended up doing is using Disk to Disk backup then streaming the local disk backup off to tape afterwards.


You might be asking -  why do that?  With a Disk to Disk backup I can stream, effectively 3 - 4 servers at a time to the local server attached drive space, all at about the same 200 - 300 MB/Min  whcih reduces my wire time for backups by 4.  I find the tape jobs run at some ridiculous speed at or above the 1500 MB/Min you are citing for your local backup job so these tend to spool off quite fast, but they are not impacting your actual backup window for your physical servers when they go from teh backup server drive to the tape drive.


You can then use a policy to delete the disk backup sets (If your limited to drive space) immediately after the tape job has run.  This will free up disk space for the next sets as they run.


Again, not really a solution to your problem, but some things to check and maybe some things to try.


Good luck




Kevin Pulford

Systems Administrator

Harmons City, Inc.



Level 6

Just for reference, on one of my customer's 100MB LAN, the numerous remote servers top out at about 650MB/minute.


This old post might be what you are looking for. Look at Nobby8's comment.