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Slow backup with 2008Server not with 2003Server ...

Level 2
I had migrate my dataserver from 2003Server to 2008Server .
Yesterday ( with 2003Server backup 12.0  / 2003Server datafiles ) I backuped my 800 GB with 1500 MB / mn
now it's 650 MB /mn with   2003server backup and 2008 datafiles..
The datafiles got only upgrade, it's the same materials, same network .....

I upgrade too the backupexec on 12.5, but same problems ... 650 MB / mn ....

Someone know problems/ tips with 2008 ?

Thanks a lot for uyour help .

Best regards

edit : Agent was update, then uninstalled, reinstall on network, then uninstall reinstall with CD ... without result ..

Level 6

Ensure the Network cards on both the media server and "dataserver" are hard set to the max available speed. Ensure the Switchports they are connected to are hard set also (including Full Duplex) and re-run the job.

Hope this helps!


Level 2
Thanks for your response ....
No problem with network attachment, Windows 2008 is a VM on Esx ...
I install a new Windows 2008 Server on a Esxi ( so different host ) and same problem ...
Backup are very slow 650 MB/mn ...
Any Idea ?

thanks a lot for your reponse ..

Level 6
Can you confirm that they are Hard set to the max speed though?
Both you Virtual Network cards and your actual NIC's on your ESX server.


Level 2
my 208server is 1000 Mb connection ...
I test the performance with iperf :
With 2k8 -> 280 Mb/s
With 2k3 -> 280 Mb/s

On Symantec BE :
With 2k8 -> 600 MB/mn ( 80 Mb/s )
With 2k3 -> 1500 MB/mn (200 Mb/s )

So i Got really problem with my backup Exec and the remote agent on 2k8 .

Backup Exec 12 is up to date, Remote agent too on the Windows 2k8 ...

I don't know where i can find a solution :) ...
I you can ;) you will be great.

Best regard

Level 3
Getting the same have you found a solution?

Level 2
no, i don't find the solution yet ....
I install a new 2008Server for test and same result ... Slow backup ...

If you got a solution ... I hear you ;)


Level 3

I am seeing in Resource Monitor that beremote.exe is causing a lot of memory hard faults/min when the job is running, do you see the same? I am not sure if backupexec is designed to use the page file or not.

Also are you attached to a SAN or using the local disks on the ESX box?

Have you aligned the disks on the 2008 server?



Level 5
Partner Accredited

I've exactly the same problem........

Level 3
I have logged a call with Symantec about this. Are you doing differential or full backups?

Level 3
Looks like a lot of other people are getting this.

It seems that in 2008 Symantec force you to use VSS even if you disable AOFO on the backup job. If you tick Use AOFO in the job and then select Microsoft VSS service and select the snapshot provider to be hardware it seems to speed the job up a bit.

Level 5
Partner Accredited

I've two jobs, one diff and one Full.

Level 5
Partner Accredited
I think the problem is on VMWARE.
Can we specify a lan card for one virtual server on vmware esx config ??

Level 3
Yes sir, unfortunately, it doesnt matter to MS whether its flat files or System State, its going to use VSS regardless.

If you want to verify that its VSS and not us, you can do the following:

-stop/disable(temporarily) the VSS service on the 2k8 server.
-rerun that backup- it will do a streaming backup basically, and will skip a LOT of files but it will at least tell you if its us or VSS. If its us, the backup will still run slow. If its VSS, it should go through markedly faster.

I even checked to see if you can use the local backup utility available in 2k8 but it a)also uses VSS and b) has no way to do a differential.

If you would like to run that test to just verify that is where the issue lies, we can do that, but if it's VSS that is the culprit in all honesty there isnt alot we can do from our end. Its just the sheer # of files being backed up in that differential via VSS thats killing the throughput.

Level 5
Partner Accredited
Yes, it's True, when i do a differential backup it's slow.

I try do do a differantial backup with VSS diabled.

Level 2
This may not be similar to your issues, but I am having slow performance as well.  With one major exception, I upgraded from a 6 year old File Server running Novell 6.5 to a brand new DL370 G6 w/ dual Quad core processors and Quad Gig NICs.  Throughput backup up for the same files went from 900MB/min on Novell to 400MB/min on 2008.  I was expecting this new server to scream during backups.

We do not have VSS turned on, on the "data" drive we are backing up.  Resource Monitor shows Memory at 98% used, CPU, Network and Disk all around 10%. We have 8 gig of memory now, which is plenty for our daily load of normal file server access.  I'm going to add in another 16 gig of memory and see if that helps my backup speed.

Level 3
You need to completely disable the VSS service on the server but only do this if you're only backing up flat files it should be ok as a streaming backup like that- if you want to test it all you have to do is check your restore selections to ensure the flat files are showing up.

Symantec support say unfortunatly is not them it Microsoft forcing you to use VSS which is slow for server that hold a lot of files/directories eg a file server and that you will have to log it with them!!!