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Slow throughput backing up Netware server using BackupExec 10d

Level 3
I have recently migrated from BackupExec for Netware 9.1 to BackupExec for Windows 10d.

Before the migration, I was able to back up two Netware servers to a remote Netware media server, and get approx. 700-900 mb/min throughput.

Since I started using B.E. 10d for Windows, the throughput on these same two Netware servers is down around 150-200mb/min, and the backup job is taking 10 hours longer than before.

The Windows media server can stream from b2d to tape at 1500-1700mb/min, and is capable of backing up several streams at 500-700mb/min per stream simultaneously. The Windows media server is connected to the same gigabit switch that the Netware server was using, and all other network factors remain the same.

Please provide me with a suggestion as to how I can resolve my throughput issues.

Level 6

-- What is the Operating System installed on Netware ? 6.0 or 6.5 ?
-- After upgrade have you also updated remote agent on netware servers ?

Update us on the same

Thank you

Level 3
I am running Netware 6.5 SP5 on all Netware servers.

Additional information: I have downloaded and run the smstest.nlm from the Veritas support website. I put smstest.nlm on the server that used to run BackupExec 9.1 for Netware. Testing locally on that server I got 945mb/sec throughput through smstest.nlm. Testing across the wire to another netware box I got 900mb/sec. The slowdown does not seem to be on the Netware component itself, but more likely in the Windows interface into the Netware component.

I have also reconfigured sms/smdr on the Netware box, but that did not help throughput in last night's backup either. I am still getting 150-200mb/min on backups from Netware to Windows.

Level 3
bump... any new ideas?

Level 6

On the Netware Server Console > give the command "bediag"

In the Bediag File serach for the "version.doc" and update us the exacr remote agent version.

-- Try the same test backup on device and backup-to-disk

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query

Thank you

Employee Accredited
FYI: The latest Remote Agent for NetWare is as follows:

Note the hotfixes that are needed when using this version. If you are currently on an older version/build (you can check this in sys:\bkupexec\version.doc) you should consider updating the agent to see if this helps to improve performance.

Level 6

-- Could you please update us on the issue?

Thank You,
