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Support Iomega Storcenter ix2-200 with BackupExec DLO Option

Level 2
Partner Accredited

I need support to test with DLO.

I have a Iomega unit ix2-200 that I want to use so that he is repositorio of the backup done with the DLO of Symantec of my users. But profit not to cause that it works because the server of the Veritas console does not see the Iomega; still and when the Windows Server if it see concerning unc path it.  


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

So are you trying to configure the Iomega unit as a DLO storage location ?

Do ensure, you have have admin rights to access this unit & this unit has been assigned a drive letter...

Then from the DLO console, click Setup - New Storage Location & select this unit...

Partner    VIP    Accredited

We're currently going through the pain (and I MEAN pain) of getting various models of Iomega storage working with BE 2010 suggestions to you would be as follows:


1. Do NOT integrate with AD. While this is a good thing in practice, if it loses synch with AD (and it will), it really breaks things. I have found the only way to fix this is to trash the NAS and recreate.

2. Turn off security. BE seems to connect to the NAS a lot better if security is turned off.

3. Creating a drive letter means's a mapped share, and if the user logs off or moves, then the share doesn't follow unless you have some sort of script. Assign the share as: \\NAS_NAME\SHARE.


that said, when they are set up and issues ironed out, they work really well. We are happy with our with better-than-entry level usage and functionality smiley