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Test runs, two problems

Level 3
I just took over as Sys Admin this week and I am finally getting down and dirty with backups. I attemped to do a test run to see what the file size of the backup would be because I had to make signifigant changes to what was being backed up. I am running into two issues:

a) If I select to do a credentials check, the job will fail with a common "0xe0008703 - Job failed running its test run" errror. Credentials should be OK because when I set up the regular jobs I tested the credentials and all went smoothly. Now if I un-tick the credentials check I get the next issue

b) The job will run for about 10 seconds and will run "sucessfully", but it does not scan the locations. Perform pre-scan is selected along with everything else EXCEPT the credentials check because that fails the job.

Any suggestions? Is 'b' not working because it needs a credentials check and if so, what can cause 'a' to fail?

Level 3
It seems there may have been a problem with the EackupExec engine and some specific item within the job (I believe shadowcopy and/or exhangeis the culprit). I did a couple reboots and made a new "special job" (I tested a small file share) and it did caculate things right. Where it would seem to hang is with the inclusion of shadowcopy.

I am closing this for now, if something new pops up I'll open a new one.