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The job failed with the following error: Access to a device was not authorized with this edition of Backup Exec.

Level 2
Hi all...

I've recently updated our Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers to 12.5  and since than I got the following error on several PC's, not all i must mention:

The job failed with the following error: Access to a device was not authorized with this edition of Backup Exec.

I got the licence and everything is ok with that, actually,now when some PC is not thurned on I got the same error.OK,I don't mind about PC's that are off, but I have problem with several workstations that are not backed up ,again with the error: "The job failed with the following error: Access to a device was not authorized with this edition of Backup Exec."
All other job's are ok and other PC's are backed up...I've tryed reinstalling the agents on that problematic PC's but didn't worked...

What I need to do please help???

Thanx in advance


Partner    VIP    Accredited
I've got the same issue. This was caused by me running a trial version of the Exchange agent while waiting for the actual license to arrive (the rest of them came first, but Exchange came over 60 days later!). My Exchange backups started to fail as a result.
I installed the agent, and left it at that, but they continued to fail.
I solved it by pushing the Remote Agent out from the backup server itself. When I did this, it showed that there was an agent already installed, but that there were updates available. Once installed, it sorted the issue out, and backups run again!
Try pushing your RAWS out to those PCs affected, using the backup server. I don't think that you get the update via a manual installation.

Level 6
Accredited Certified

   The above error clearly states that you are trying to backup something which you are not authorised for . 
You might not see that resource in the "View by resource "  , But you might be able to see under view by selection details in backup properties .

Hence Be sure that you don't have anything else selected there or try creating a new backup job . 

Please let us know if that works .

Zaki Khan 

Level 2

Problem is not solved, I reinstalled the agents and created new backup selection list and new backup job but still the same error:

The error recieved on e-mail is :
(Server: "********") (Job: "******* - Mezanin-Weekly Full Backup") ******* - mezanin-Weekly Full Backup -- The job failed with the following error: Access to a device was not authorized with this edition of Backup Exec.
End detailed error on the backup server at self is:

Backup....License Violation
A Remote Agent for Windows Systems license is required for protecting remote servers with this edition of Backup Exec.
Please contact your vendor for information on protecting remote servers with this edition of Backup Exec.

I do want to note that are 2 problematic backup jobs, one on workstation on vista , other is server 2003. All other jobs are workstations running windows xp? What could be the problem ,is this really a licence problem? 


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
How many licenses do you have for Remote Agent. Please note that Windows XP machines do not require any license to be backed up, whereas a remote agent license would be required for backing up Vista or server operating systems. Hence, please add the serial numbers if you already have them, to your Backup Exec installation.

Please mark it a solution, if this helps.

Level 2
Dear Jain,

We have 2 licences, one is Backup exec server 12.5 and the other is Symantec backup exec option desktop and laptop 12.5 win -60 licences,and we are doing only 39 backup jobs. Again, only workstation on xp are backed up sucessfully ,but 2 vista jobs are failing...
Cah you tell me what is the issue?


Partner    VIP    Accredited
Just checked, and Vista is supported. This might also help:

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified
Please note that your VISTA and server backups would not work without installing a license for Remote Agent.  As you have the DLO license, please go ahead with backup of VISTA using DLO, but for server, you would require Remote Agent license, without which your backups would continue to fail.