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Time change and report notification.... BUG BUG BUG

Level 4
We have backupExec v10d installed on 4 seperate nas boxes. Each of these servers has a schedule job that emails two users a report "status of job in queue" a veritas report. All of these servers have been configured to email this report for the last fours months. Each morning we all get this report without a hitch.

Then today we have no report. The only thing I can think of is that the time changed. After some investigating, some how on all 4 servers the users who are to be notified when the job completes where unchecked and the "include job log with a notification to an email" was still checked.

As soon as we checked the users and re-ran the job the reports got emailed to everyone. The kicker is All 4 servers had the issue and I am the only one with access to these boxes.

Level 2
I have had exactly the same problem with my 10 servers all of which are at different sites so no one has access to any of the others.

I am running version 9 and 10 so it looks like a problem inherent in the software. However, an NT box I still have which has version 8 running on it was fine and I still received an e-mail this morning