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Travaux Simultanés

Level 2


Est-il possible de lancer les travaux de manière simultanée A partir du même Serveur Backup Exec. A savoir une sauvegarde sur bande et en même temps une sauvegarde disque ne sauvegardant pas la même chose. le deux sauvegardes prenant trop de temps pour être effectuées la nuit et étant des sauvegarde journalières



Level 6

If BableFish translated correctly


Yes, you can run two jobs at the same time.  In fact you can run as many jobs as you have output devices. 

Level 6

us ne pouvez pas des ressources de sauvegarde même en même temps. Qu'est-ce que vous pouvez faire de cette première de la sauvegarde sur disque, puis exécutez un double emploi de disque à bande. Vous pouvez créer une copie de sauvegarde de la configuration d'emploi onglet et lorsque le travail en double irait il accéder à la b2d puis écrire le infromation même bande.
espérons que cette aide

Level 2

How can i force job to start with same Sheduled period?

Level 2

one job is to save all Virtual machines on LTO-4  and the second job is only for save user data from server to a NAS. The problem is that take to much time to carry out the 2 job one after one so i would like to launch them at the same time.

Level 6

As I mentioned you cannot cannot backp a same resourse with two different backup job. If you want you can run backup of different resource at the same time.

Level 6

one job is to save all Virtual machines on LTO-4  and the second job is only for save user data from server to a NAS.  

If Server is NOT one of the VMs, then simply set the start times as you wish, one pointing to the tape drive, the other to the B2D device

Level 2

ok the server is not one of the VM so i'll try to put same start time.

Level 2

Ok perfect, now my jobs start at the same. but i have another problem.

I must save to the NAS a users share with a lot of files 480 Go so i backup the VHD file where the share is.  the transfert rate  for the backup is 1000Mbits/min but the real problem is the time for create cache B2D file to backup may share. i use 100Go  for each B2D but it take too many time to create them so i must wait 15 hours for the entire backup to finish.

Could you help for this problem


thanks a lot.

Employee Accredited Certified

Uncheck "Allouer la taille maximale aux fichiers de sauvegarde sur disque" will speed up the creation of each BKF file as having it set to 100GB will take time to create each file before it starts writing data.

Unchecking this option can result in disk fragmentation however so it is a balancing act between how long it takes to create each media and the performance benefits of having a well laid out disk structure.

Level 2

ok thanks. i'll try to Unchek "Allouer la taille maximale aux fichiers de sauvegarde sur disque"

Level 2

Do you think it's good like this. The VHD to backup take 485 Go and i want to save with 3 days protection to have 3 X 500go