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Trouble Aborting Jobs

Level 6
Hey all, I'm Backup Exec 8.6 and the problem that I am having is that there are some processes that won't cancel out. One of them is an erase tape function, the other is inventory of media and the other ones have to do with IMporting and Exporting tapes.

Their Job Status is stuck at Starting Queued - Cancelling. They've been that way for about a day now.

I have shut down all the services for BUE. I've restarted, them, restarted the server, taken the drives offline all to no effect. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Level 3
Okay, here's how I was able to resolve this issue:

I'm also running Network Executive Console for Backup Exec. 8.6.

Again, I had 10 'phantom' jobs that were on status 'Started Queued-Cancelling'. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get these jobs removed. Though, they didn't directly impact anything, they needed to go away.

I ended up needing to go to the SQL server Enterprise Manager Console.

Once in the SQL enterprise manage: Expand Microsoft SQL Servers> SQL Server Group> VERITAS> Databases> BENSE> left click 'Tables'> Look for the table called 'NEjobs'. Right click on it and select 'Open Table' then select 'All Rows'.

If successful, this should bring up a screen with the output of the BE jobs table. You'll need to do some SQL queries to get at the data here. I'm not a SQL guy, but here's what I figured out:

The NSE Active Job Queue has the job name of the jobs that are actively running. The equivelant in the SQL database is 'JobName'. Thus I found that this query seemed to work:

select *
from NEJobs
where JobName like '%Export%'
order by JobName

This syntax should show you all job names that have 'export' in it. This will help you easily find the row(s) that you need to delete. of course, you can change out the word between the percentage symbols for anything else, like Import, erase, inventory. Of course, if you want to try this another way use this query:

select *
from NEjobs
order by jobName

This will return EVERY ROW. But put it in order by the JobName, so simply scroll down until you find the job you're looking for.

Deleting the row.
This part is simple. Highlight the entire row that has your 'phantom' job. Highlight it by left click the row. Then, after the row is highlighted, simply press the delete key. The row will be deleted and once you refresh the Network Exec Console, you'll see the job in question is deleted. Of course there are dangers to doing this if you're not careful. If you have questions... Post em, hopefully someone answers.