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Two 2003 servers - 2 different error messages

Level 0

I am having the worst time trying to figure out this 2010 backup!  Had to upgrade from 6 because it suddenly stopped working.  I have 7 installed on my 2008 Server and it works great!  Version 6 was so easy for me.  I am the IT support at my business but have no technical training, so I learn as I go.  I work for a non-profit and received the software as a donation, so have no support through Symantec.

Here is what I want to do - 

1.  I want both servers to backup up to a 4 TB networked drive (it is a WDShareSpace).  

2.  I want both servers to have a full backup at least monthly (but will take weekly if that's what I have to do).  Just one file - not split up - unless it matters??

3.  I want both servers to have specific files backed up daily (domain controller has all user files - so that "folder") and the other server is 2003 Exchange - I want the Information Store backed up.  One file per day keep for 2 weeks then start over.


I have been fighting with this for about 2 weeks.  The DC will not see the WDShareSpace, the Exchange will.  I had to get a 1TB external drive for the DC. The DC finally worked ONCE last week, then never again.  It looks like it almost finished a second, but then got error E000FE36.  Since then, EOOO846B.  Testing always returns error E0008703.


Exchange will see the WDsharespace.  It gets about 22,000KB then errors out with E0001201.  Test runs are same as above.


I am so frustrated, I want to just start over with something completely different and just cut my loses!  Can someone help me?

Thanks in advance,



Level 6


Are you using Backup Exec for Windows Servers or Backup Exec System Recovery?

Partner    VIP    Accredited

Hi Stephanie,


Have you configured the account in use on the NAS correctly? If not, chances are good BE will not work correctly with it. I set up the Iomega NASs we have with the same service account that I use for Backup Exec. Makes it very easy to get BE to connect to the NAS as a result.

Check these forum posts...


The second helped quite a bit...