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Unable to backup Snap Server 4400 share

Level 3
I recently setup a Snap Server 4400 on my network and I am trying to backup \\snap4400\scans share on it from my Backup Exec server.  It has a RAWS serial installed, as I back up two other Windows servers.
The error I am getting is:

Final error: 0xa000fe29 - Authentication failed on connection to the server.

Backup - SNAP4400
Access is denied to Remote Agent.  Check the login account for the specified device.

My Snap Server will not allow me to create an Administrator account on there using the same password (I have shifted numeric characters).  Changing the administrator password is something I *could* do, but, it would result in a lot of headaches for a lot of other people.  I would like to find another way around it.

I did try creating a backupexec user on the snap4400 and in Active Directory that is an Administrator on both.  But it is still not working.

I found to try, but that does not seem to work.  I am running Version 9.1 Rev. 4691. I think it is Build 56?  It does not state it in the about info box.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Level 3
Anyone have any experience with this?  Can any Symantec folks give me a pointer?  This is causing my backups to fail.  :(

Level 6
v9.1 went End-Of-Life back in January, so there is no official Symantec presence here (dis-regard the Title of the forum Smiley Wink)
I know I've seen other posts about this, but don't remember what the solution  was.  Have you tried creating a UserDefinedShare using the IP addresss of the remote machine?