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Update Remote Agents remotely and without reboot.

Not applicable
I need to update Remote Agents from v9 to v11d but I get an error 1603 that I think it's caused because of the AOFO option on the current agent (v9). Solutions I've found suggest to uninstall the agent locally and then reboot the machine and reinstall the v11 agent.

The problem is that if I update my server (currently v9.1) to v11d I'll need to update a lot of agents in silent mode and without rebooting within something like 10 hours.

Is it possible to do this or the only solution is to log onto each machine, stop production while login as administrator to uninstall agents and reboot the computer for then reinstall the new agent and then restart these operations on another machine, etc, etc, etc, etc??

Level 6
Hi Simon,

If you go into Backup Exec, and go to Tools\Install Remote Agents, you can install multiple remote agents to servers. If you are installing AOFO, then they will all need to be rebooted after the install.

As far as uninstalling the previous version first, this is not necessary, however, I would recommend it just to be safe. There is no mass uninstall procedure, though, so that would have to be done individually on each server; but like I said, it's not required.

Please let us know if this helps resolve your issue.
