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VSS snapshot warning when backing up system state

Level 5

When I'm backing up one W2008 x64 server I get a lot of VSS snapshot warnings like the following:-

Backup- System?State
VSS Snapshot warning. File c:\windows\syswow64\nvapps.xml is not present on the snapshot.
VSS Snapshot warning. File c:\windows\syswow64\nvd3dum.dll is not present on the snapshot.
VSS Snapshot warning. File c:\windows\system32\drivers\nvlddmkm.sys is not present on the snapshot.
VSS Snapshot warning. File c:\windows\system32\nvgames.dll is not present on the snapshot.
VSS Snapshot warning. File c:\windows\system32\nvmccss.dll is not present on the snapshot.

Altogether there's about 50 of these warnings, all concerning what look like Nvidia files.

None of these files actually exist in the location mentioned and there's no reference to them in the registry either if I do a registry search

Anyone know where these files are being referenced and how I can stop the errors?



Level 2

I also have the same problem with the file: msidcrl30.dll in the folder: amd64_microsoft-windows-identitycrl_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_adac6f6ef6bbe059 - Shortcut as these are system State files then the backup fails.  I cannot replace them as I don't have the correct permissions.


Level 2
Sorry I should have said, simillar problem!

I know that the files are corrupt because I've used the Microsoft command line backup utility and it says this file cannot be backed up!