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VSS writer times out when backing up a virtual machine

Level 5
We have a periodic problem with the VSS writer failing when we backup a virtual server using the open file option. The actual error message from BackupExec is: VSS writer timed out (0x800423f2), State: Failed during freeze operation (9). The error was always occurring until recently, both on full a differential backups. However, last night the differential backup worked with no error from this virtual machine.

Any ideas?

Level 5
The error occurred again last night, VSS writer timed out. I looked at the application event log, and it has two events around the time of backup with a source of ESENT:
02:54:18 AM certsrv.exe (1264) Shadow copy 1 freeze started
02:54:19 AM certsrv.exe (1264) Shadow copy 1 freeze stopped

On the system log, there are these events:
02:53:44 AM The Volume Shadow Copy service was successfully sent a start control.
02:53:44 AM The Volume Shadow Copy service entered the running state.
02:54:07 AM The Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider service was successfully sent a start control.
02:54:08 AM The Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider service entered the running state.
02:58:55 AM The Volume Shadow Copy service entered the stopped state.
03:01:56 AM The Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider service entered the stopped state.

Any ideas?

Level 6
Hello David!

Run the command " vssadmin list writers "on the Server and check the status of the Writers.

See if all the Writers show up as Stable, if not then this issue may resolve by applying VSS Update Package.

Do revert back with the results of above command.

Thanks and regards,

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.

Level 5
Does the VSS Update Package apply to us since the virtual server is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 1? The update packages I saw seemed to apply to earlier versions of WS 2003 EE.

Several of the VSS writers do say STATE: Waiting for completion

Level 6
Hi David,

What data are you trying to backup?

Are you trying to backup databases like Exchange or SQL ?


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 4
my understanding is that he is trying to back up a virtual server: IE - virtual server 2005 or 2004.

Level 5
Rucha and Kyle, thanks for your input.

This is a Windows Server 2003 virtual server. The main thing running on it is certificates. There are no databases on this virtual server.

The latest errors I am getting are when BackupExec is backing up the D: drive:

V-79-57344-65072 -- The connection to target system has been lost. Backup set canceled.

The certsve.exe (1812) Shadow copy 4 freeze started and stopped happen about the time the disconnect happens, according to the application event viewer.

Level 6
Hello David,

To be able to isolate the issue, could you please run the backup of the System state with the help of the NTbackup utility of Windows? Please let us know the result of the backup.

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.