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Vista / BENT 11d for server, XP / BENT 10d for clients

Level 3
I currently have BENT 10d with the server running on an old Windows 2000 Pro machine. Additionally I have RAWS and IDR options for 3 windows XP computers. I don't have (never needed) AOFO.

I'm considering replacing the server with a new Vista box. I understand that I would need BENT 11d for the server, and that RAWS + AOFO would be required for any Vista clients.

1) For the XP clients, would I be able to keep the 10d RAWS agents/licenses for remote backup from the BENT 11d vista server, or would I need 11d RAWS for the clients?

2) If I have to update the XP clients to RAWS 11d, do I have to purchase new licenses, or will the 10d RAWS client licenses work with the 11d server?

3) Do I need the AOFO option for the XP clients, or can I back them up and protect them with IDR without AOFO as I've been doing with BENT 10d?

4) Do I have to purchase new IDR licenses for the clients, or will the 10d IDR licenses work with the 11d server for backing up the XP clients?

5) Do I need an AOFO opton for the server?

6) Do I have to purchase a new IDR licenses for the server, or will the 10d IDR licenss work with the 11d server for backing up the server?


Level 6
1)  While the v10d Agents should work, you would be in violation of the licensing policy.  (the SCL says that a v10d RAWS will connect  to a v11d media server  "for the purposes of rolling upgrades")
2)  Not sure what you are asking here.  v11d agents are non-serialized for workstation OSes.  You only need a serial to connect to ServerOSes  Just install the agent locally using the "Silent Install" method

3)  All you need is the RAWS for XP clients  The AOFO requirement is due to the Vista Architecture, not v11d itself
4) Yes, IDR serials must be updated when the media server is updated, one per machine to be protected with IDR
5)  No, you don't need  AOFO on your media server, but may feel more comfortable with it, depending on any other apps also running on it
6)  Yes, you must purchase new IDR serials 

Level 3
So, to protect 1 Vista server and 3 XP clients I wold need to purchase

  • 1 BENT 11d server license
  • 4 RAWS licenses
  • 4 IDR licenses
Is that correct?

I presume reduced cost upgrades from 10d are available for all of the above? I originally spent over $1,000 for v8.6 licenses, had to pay to upgrade to v9, then was forced to shell out over $1,000 again to upgrade to v10 just to get support for a USB DAT72 drive. I don't want to spend that much just to get Vista support for one server.