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Windows Agents and additional Agents

Level 2
Just a quick question from someone interested in moving from Arcserve Brightstor to Backup Exec 11d. I have 5 servers total, so I would be required to purchase 4 windows remote agents to backup every server, of those 5 servers one is a sql server and one is an exchange server. If I purchased the SQL agent and the Exchange agent, would that also allow me to back up that server without purchasing a windows agent for that server as well? For instance, would I be required to purchase the Windows Agent, plus the Sql agent to backup both the server itself and my sql database? Thanks!

Level 3
Each SQL Agent comes with 1 remote agent.
Each Exchange Agent comes with 1 remote agent
Each Advanced Open File Agent comes with 1 remote agent.


Level 6

Please refer to :

One Remote Agent for Windows Servers license is included with all Backup Exec agents that require the license.


Level 2
Thanks for the help!

Level 3

I was told by Symantec tech support that we don’t need a remote agent to backup things like Exchange or SharePoint or SQL that are on the same server as Backup Exec but still need an application agent for them. If the application is on the same sever as Backup Exec we do end up with an extra remote agent as an application agent comes with one remote agent. Is this correct?


Also, if we had three servers all running Microsoft SQL server, would that mean that we would get one Backup Exec license, one SQL agent and one remote agent? Backup Exec and the SQL agent being on the first server and it’s free remote agent used on the second and the one remote agent on the third or would you have to buy 3 SQL agents?

Message Edited by Richard Berry on 09-26-2007 09:37 AM

Message Edited by Richard Berry on 09-26-2007 09:37 AM

Level 6

Also, if we had three servers all running Microsoft SQL server, would that mean that we would get one Backup Exec license, one SQL agent and one remote agent? Backup Exec and the SQL agent being on the first server and it’s free remote agent used on the second and the one remote agent on the third


Each SQL server needs a license, so you would need three SQL serials. Since each SQL license includes a RemoteAgent license, if one SQL server is also going to be the media server, then you would have one Remote Agent license that you could apply to a fourth server


1 BackupExec base serial + 3 SQL serial sounds like what you need



Level 3

That is what I thought but then what is the value of the “free” remote agent? I also wondered if that would extend to a remote server that had more than one server application. If I had an SQL, Exchange and SharePoint agent installed but they were all one remote sever, would that mean I’d have two extra remote agents? Isn’t licensing grand? All this hassle and money and time and licensing just to copy some files. :)

Message Edited by Richard Berry on 09-26-2007 10:10 AM

Level 6
SQL, Exchange and SharePoint agent installed but they were all one remote sever
Yeah, that would be one RemoteAgent used and two available, but why would you put everything on server? (single point of failure , y'know Smiley Happy )