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XML Error

Level 3
When I try to open the "Job Log" tab on a completed job, I get this error..."Load XML failed. Reason: A. Error on line 11131, position 110 in "f".
C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Data\BEX03359.xml".

Any ideas?

Level 4
I am interesting in the answer to this question as I am receiving the same error as well. But it is only happening on one of my many Backup Jobs.

Level 6

1. This error may occur if the Database Maintenance task is configured to remove job logs automatically after x amount of days (where x is the number of days).
To resolve the issue kindly refer the following technote,


2. This problem may also occur if the Msxml.msi is corrupt.

So please download and install it using following link.

Note : Please copy the entire link given below


--Stop all the Backup EXec services and re-start them .

-- Create a fresh scheduled backup job and then observe the result.

--Update to the latest Internet Explorer if the problem persists.


Also apply Service Pack 1 of Backup Exec v9.1 as mentioned in the technote given below

Title:- VERITAS Backup Exec (tm) 9.1 for Windows Servers revision 4691 - Service Pack 1

Hope this helps.

Level 6
We hope that you have upgraded to MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 2. If not, please refer the following link:

Note: Please copy/paste the above URL into the browser.

Also, please upgrade to latest Internet explorer and service pack.

We hope this helps.

Not applicable
I am also getting this type of an error, but only on certain jobs. When I am backing up our document management folders, which have filenames with special characters in them, such as 6%#_01!.tif, the xml log generator cna't interpret these filenames, and generates a filename that is not correct. Then, the log is incorrect and corrupted.
Is there any way to change the log structure that is generated, and have it as straight text initially, as it was in previous versions?