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Year End Full Backup

Level 3
Noob here.

We currently use 10.0 and do full backups (Fridays) and intermitten (daily but Friday).

We need to do a year end and probably will use tomorrow's full backup as the year end for 2006.

Question - Since we want to store this offsite, do I retire the media? Archive? what's the procedure for taking that last full backup, removing the tapes from library (4 of 7), replacing them and putting them in offsite storage?

I'm not clear from the Admin's Guide...thanks in advance for any help.

Level 6

After the backup remove those tapes from the library for the offsite storage. Whereas those tapes will be still shown in Software ( Database entry )
In the BE console > Media > Move these 4 of 7 to retired media set and then delete them from there.

Later for any restores you need to first inventory and catalog these tapes !

Update us on the same and revert for any further Query

Thank you

Level 6
And also I suggest you do a Copy backup, which does not reset the archive bit, so the incremental backups are not affected by this action.


Level 2
I also do full backups every year that I have to set the overwrite proctection to infinite. I would highly suggest creating a media vault that represents a logical representation of your tapes and their locations.

Level 3
Thanks for your replies...

One question I now have is - Where would I copy the backup to?


Level 3
Hi, can you please explain in more detail?

Level 6
it is one of the Job Type options in the job setup

Level 6
I wouldn't retire the media then delete it, otherwise (as stated) if you need to use it you'll have to inventory it and catalog it.
You could simply create a media set for year-end backups (with a REALLY long overwrite protection period), and add a Vault. Then make sure the year-end backup assigns the media to the new media set, then move the tapes to the vault, both in the software and in real-life.
That way you can report on what media are in the vault, and if you need to restore, then the data is in the catalog (depending upon your catalog settings),